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  1. C

    Ser Jacopo Stems?

    Still haven't found a factory authorized Ser Jac repair person in the US. I did speak to one person who said he can make stems, but SJ would have to provide him with logos. Anyone else had any luck finding a SJ stem person? Thanks.
  2. C

    Ser Jacopo Stems?

    With the death of Rich Lewis, who is authorized stem maker for Ser Jacopo in the US? I have contacted Ser Jacopo, and they did not even know that Rich had passed away. Thanks.
  3. C

    RIP Dan Merriman, @Oldgeezersmoker

    Marcos, that photo of Dan was taken at my house when he came and stayed a couple days back 3 or so years ago. I just got a text that Dan had passed away last month, and it was the first I heard of it. We used to speak on the phone about once a month, and I was just thinking today that we hadn't...
  4. C

    Any Thoughts on Getting Pipe Back From Lewis Pipe in MN?

    H Has anyone received back their pipes that were sent to Lewis Pipe & Tobacco? I have not received any pipes nor correspondence from the family.
  5. C

    Getting Pipes From Rich Lewis in Minneapolis

    Thanks for pointing me to your thread. Mike
  6. C

    Any Thoughts on Getting Pipe Back From Lewis Pipe in MN?

    Thanks for pointing me towards this thread. Mike Hagley
  7. C

    Getting Pipes From Rich Lewis in Minneapolis

    I sent two pipes to Rich Lewis in May, just before his untimely death on June 1. The pipes were delivered, but the shop and family have not replied to numerous emails and phone calls. I know the family is going through rough times, but I would like to have my pipes returned-whether they are...
  8. C

    Mac Baren Mixture Scottish Blend

    Funny to come across this thread. Ed Burak sold a ton of Mac Baren Mixture as "Scottish Blend" when Connoisseur Pipe Shop was in business. I just ordered a few more pounds of Mac Baren from a shop that had a sale on it several weeks ago. I now have about 30 pounds of it. Much of it has been...
  9. C

    Still Hanging Around

    I haven't posted in quite awhile, but still read the site from time to time. Hope all is well for my friends here, and those that I do not know. Hopefully, 2023 will be good for all of us. Mike
  10. C

    Welcome To The 3rd Annual Fishnbanjo Day.

    I never knew the man, nor had any interaction with him. If you really want to honor him, you might consider working with a pipe maker to make a commemorative pipe with special stamping. I did this twice. Once with Peterson to honor Peter WD on Smokers Forum UK. We had subscriptions for about...
  11. C

    Just Bought My First Astley.

    Bill Taylor made pipes for Astley's, and they got first pick of Bill's production. He would take the pipes to the London store and let them pick out the ones they wanted, and then would take the pipes back to the factory and stamp the shanks and imprint the A logo on them, and then take the...
  12. C

    Just Bought My First Astley.

    I suspect Ashton made it.
  13. C

    Which Pipe Do You Own That People Will Remember You By?

    The one I recently sold for $3800. It cost me a whopping $140, so I made a tidy profit for my estate.
  14. C

    Edward's Bishop Burley

    BTW I tried IWC Blue and it is pretty nice, but not like the ones above. Mikr
  15. C

    Edward's Bishop Burley

    I sure wish I could fine a tobacco similar to Edward's Bishop Burley or Good Companion. It is not available at any Edward's shops (few left), and the clown who owns Edwards wants $80 per pound. Any ideas? Thanks. Mike