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  1. F

    STHF Tobacconist

    Box alder / Manatoba maple?
  2. F

    STHF Tobacconist

    I live up in the boreal forest. Anyone suggest a suitable wood for making a pipe up here? Serviceberry / saskatoon?
  3. F

    STHF Tobacconist

    Thank you! There are more uses for moonshine that simply drinking it :-)
  4. F

    What Cigar are You Smoking? - 2022

    By securing, I mean keeping the wrappers from unwrapping themselves as they dry. Been using honey mixed with alcohol to make a syrup. I guess that glue is too weak. More honey, less booze lol!
  5. F

    WTB Mild Cigars for a Beginner

    I live in Canada and make cigars. This year's batch is mild and smooth (opinion of a non smoker). I can post you one if you like. Just be aware that I'm growing my own tobacco and learning to make cigars. It's not going to be instagram perfect LOL.
  6. F

    What Are You Drinking? December 2022

    Been drinking coconut rum and apple brandy I made a year ago. Although young, the molasses is really starting to emerge in the rum, and the apple brandy has a lovely oak / toffee apple profile still. The brandy was made from apple jack I made using my cider press and fermented on the pulp. The...
  7. F

    What Cigar are You Smoking? - 2022

    Not a big smoker but have started making my own cigars this year from tobacco I grew and cured. All the cigars so far have been mild and smooth. Rather low nicotine thanks to this being my first year growing the plant. Having some trouble with securing wrappers, which may have something to do...
  8. F

    STHF Tobacconist

    Hello from the great white north. I started growing tobacco this year as a potential tradable commodity. Been learning a lot about growing and processing tobacco. I have a pile of leaves in my basement slowly curing, and a collection of fermented tobacco I have cased with local honey and neutral...