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  1. james72

    IM Corona Old Boy Black & Chrome “Engine Turned”?

    That’s my favorite lighter. The “engine turned” one. I’ve got a couple of them. Has a great feel in the hand.
  2. james72

    Albert Einstein's Pipes and Pipe Rack Auction

    For anyone interested. Came across this a few minutes ago. RR Auction -
  3. james72

    My New Arctic Novel Contains Much Pipe-Smoking

    Just pre-ordered a copy on Amazon. Congrats on publishing a book! Much respect.
  4. james72

    Recommend Me an Aromatic Please

    St. Bruno
  5. james72

    Greetings from Austin

    Welcome from Round Rock!
  6. james72

    Favourite Drink Pairing?

    First choice—Bourbon Second—Scotch Third—Vodka Fourth—Gin Fifth—Red wine Sixth—Guinness Seventh—Brawndo
  7. james72

    Greetings from Texas

    Welcome from Austin, Texas!
  8. james72

    Hello from Austin, TX

    Welcome, bud. I'm in RR. Keep meaning to attend one of those pipe club meetings too but haven't gotten around to it.
  9. james72

    What Is Your Favorite "Manly" Poem?

    I always liked this one from Robert Creeley. Punctuation, etc is the author's. I Know A Man As I sd to my friend, because I am always talking,—John, I sd, which was not his name, the darkness sur- rounds us, what can we do against it, or else, shall we & why not, buy a goddamn...
  10. james72

    ProtectingThe Cellar Investment

    You can get it insured at Having known someone who lost a significant cellar due to a house fire, I looked into it. Affordable is a relative term, so I can't say if it's affordable or not. You do have to have proof that you have purchased the tobacco.
  11. james72

    The NPod Castello Opera 44 Collection

  12. james72

    Greetings from Texas

    Greetings from Austin, bud.