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  1. Kozeman

    If you're Allowed only one Pipe Shape, What would It Be?

    "Skinny at one end, fat at the other, with a hole running down the entire length." Anne Elk
  2. Kozeman

    Festivus: Let the Airing of Grievances Begin!

  3. Kozeman


  4. Kozeman

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    No wonder she was so suspicious of tobacco runners.
  5. Kozeman

    *** What Are You Drinking?*** December 2021

    Belgian Golden Strong
  6. Kozeman

    Having a drink with your smoke?

    Belgian Golden Strong Ale with English blends. Too sweet to pair with an aromatic.
  7. Kozeman

    New Zealand to Ban Smoking for Next Generation in Bid to Outlaw Habit by 2025

    Yep. Stockpile of ammo, tobacco and capable of brewing my own beer. I have the makings of my own country.
  8. Kozeman

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    My package was shipped. Since it was being delivered to a PO box in the same building, I thought I could sweet talk the lady into delivering it right there on the spot. Didn't work. She charged me the standard rate and told me it had to go to another facility to be scanned. Apparently there is a...
  9. Kozeman

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    Or that some poor reindeer has lost his manhood.
  10. Kozeman

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    I received my package from Santa and what a spectacular package it is. Two tins of Latakia tobacco (both new to me) and a whole bunch of other goodies. My Santa isn’t really a secret since you may recognize the fine specimen of a gavel/tamper mentioned in an earlier post to this thread. There...
  11. Kozeman

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    Thanks. I was wondering what sw did that. So easy even a caveman could do it.
  12. Kozeman

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    I didn't realize Cosmic was sporting the Richard Simmons hair doo.
  13. Kozeman

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    I like how they could envision a phone in a shoe, but not an entry method that wasn't a rotary dial...