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  1. skylonrow

    The worst feeling in the world

    Here in the UK we dont have mailboxes, the postman delivers it right to my door, and through the letterbox. But I just try and forget about it, do whatever and it turns up nice and quickly. Post normally takes about 1-2 days, and a couple of hours if its express delivery.
  2. skylonrow

    Shredder, man you want one of these!

    ha ha you got yourself a plug weed grinder! Those are wooden specialist ones, basicly kids have plugs in their ears like: And basicly you keep your weed in one of those, and put it in your ear, and the police are none the wiser. other than that good find in regards to the flake!
  3. skylonrow

    What is your current "go to" or "everyday" smoke?

    New tried this 1Q but I must, it is so highly recommened! ATM my goto smoke is peterson connoisseurs choice.
  4. skylonrow

    Getting a foul taste/smell from a pipe

    I read somewhere that setting fire to the alcohol killls some of the mould spores that may be in the pipe, and it seemed to work. Anyway thanks, ill give it a try!
  5. skylonrow

    Getting a foul taste/smell from a pipe

    Recently bought an estate pipe on ebay, and it was a bit worse for wear Anyway, ive reamed back the cake, and done 4 salt and alcohol treatments, but there was still a horrid smell from the pipe. So I put a capful of alcohol into the pipe and set it on fire, this has now got rid of the horrid...
  6. skylonrow

    European tobacco prices

    Here in the UK we find Tobacco to be very expensive. (I've never bought tobacco on mainland Europe so I dont know the prices) Rolling Tobacco 25g - £1.50 - £8 Pack of Cigarettes - £2 - £15 Pipe Tobacco 25g - £4 - £8 Pipe Tobacco 50g - £10 Tobacco prices are quite high, its taxed to death...
  7. skylonrow

    I Dont Usually Like Freehands, But...

    That looks good...
  8. skylonrow

    Clay Tobacco Pipes = Need Your Opinions....etc,..

    How are clay pipes? Clay pipes a lovely, they don't ghost, they're fairly cheap and give a nice flavourful smoke. the draw is smooth and they dont really need time to rest. They give you the full, unaltered flavour of the tobacco and they're just as good as a cob. Are they nice to smoke? As I...
  9. skylonrow

    mcbarens cube bronze

    Never had it myself, but according to my tobacconist, its very new here in the UK and its quite popular. Might order some in the future, so please let us know! there are some reviews here: the reviews seems mixed, but it sounds nice.
  10. skylonrow

    Trying my hand at blending

    ok, PM sent with shipping details. Thank you very much!
  11. skylonrow


    Snuff never really appealed to me, bit weird sniffing it and all, and its addictive.
  12. skylonrow

    Pipe Grip Ambidextrous (or Lack Therof)?

    I'm ambidextrous anyway, but my left hand is dominant, if that makes sense. I feel perfectly comfortable holding my pipe in any hand, in any side of my mouth.
  13. skylonrow

    Trying my hand at blending

    Damn, sounds nice man. You're in the US right? Might try and get some, but dunno about how much taxes ect. would be to the UK. Thats if you're comfortable with posting overseas of course.
  14. skylonrow

    Wider or Deeper?

    Wider bowls make the baccy burn unevenly, so for me its all about deep bowled pipes. Tobacco burns in an upside down pyramid, and when the bowl gets wider a lot of the tobacco on the outside rim doesn't burn.
  15. skylonrow

    How many ounces do u smoke in a week?

    I only smoke 1 or 2 bowls per day, so it takes me a good few weeks to get through a 50g tin.