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  1. Wet Dottle

    The Last of How it Was

    Sorry for your loss. I guess I'm a lucky guy...
  2. Wet Dottle

    Small, Medium, Large Tins Or Bulk Preference

    I only buy packaged tobacco, i.e., tobacco that has been sealed at the factory. Tins or bags, doesn't really matter, as long as they are adequate to preserve the contents.
  3. Wet Dottle

    Opening A Tin? Show Us!

    GLP Westminster from 2008. Tip: if you have one of this type of tins with a plastic lid, use some tin foil to improve seal and help preserving the best qualities of the aged tobacco. Plastic alone is not enough.
  4. Wet Dottle

    Mom’s Gift —a Pipesmoking Doll

    It's not a doll, it's an action figure. :)
  5. Wet Dottle

    Watch Out or Watch on? Pt 2.

    Actually, I forgot I also have this watch: I have no idea what led me to it. Must have been drunk. I'm a minimalist guy and all I ever carry is a (minimalist) wallet and a set of keys. Don't even carry a cell phone that often...
  6. Wet Dottle

    Watch Out or Watch on? Pt 2.

    I don't like jewelry, including things around my wrists, therefore I never got into watches. The only ones that I have are well worn, even beat up. The black one is a lady's watch, because I don't like large watches. And no leather or cloth bracelets for me, either.
  7. Wet Dottle

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    I use all kinds of razors, but when using double edge blades I prefer the Personna blue box and the Kai. The Astra in the background are also good, but I don't use them anymore. Hated the Voskhods. Threw these two away immediately after taking this pic for the forums.
  8. Wet Dottle

    Clan tobacco 2010

    Well, I smoked a lot it. Obviously, I liked it enough. However, the shag cut used to dry very quickly, at which time it would burn like gun powder. Care is advisable. I haven't smoked it in more than 20 years, therefore I can't say how it is now. But I doubt it will age well. Please let us know...
  9. Wet Dottle

    A Nachwalter Score

    That is a gorgeous pipe. I always loved Elliott's designs and looked for one for many years, but without success. Unfortunately, my search only started after he quit making pipes. Hope you enjoy your new pipe/work of art.
  10. Wet Dottle

    Ennerdale Flake

    All I can say is that I loved the old one and hated the new one. All I can say is that I found the flavor different for the worse. Sorry I cannot be more specific.
  11. Wet Dottle

    Opening A Tin? Show Us!

    I think you won't regret. Let me know how far off my analysis is when you do :)
  12. Wet Dottle

    Opening A Tin? Show Us!

    I had to think for a while to answer your question, @AroEnglish . I never got much from reading blend reviews and I certainly cannot write one. But here it goes: Think of the blend fresh and remove all grassy tones (not that there are much, if any, to start with in this blend). Then, increase...
  13. Wet Dottle

    Opening A Tin? Show Us!

    Dunhill Navy Rolls from 2009: I counted 27 coins, but may have missed one or two. Difficult to tell without taking them all out. I just fold and stuff, and it takes 2 1/2 or 3 coins per smoke in medium sized pipes.
  14. Wet Dottle

    Ennerdale Flake

    Well, Ennerdale was something special, alright. But, for my tastes, it is now a much lesser blend than it was, at least the last time I smoked it, in pre-pandemic times. I didn't know what had happened until I joined this forum and read about the changes at GH&Co. At that same time I noticed...
  15. Wet Dottle

    Arango Pipe Spray Substitute?

    I don't know, the can doesn't list its composition. It is flammable. Leaves the pipes very clean with a fresh and pleasant smell.