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  1. indianafrank

    OK...So I have Hearing Loss! Wife Wins

    My hearing test showed a slight loss of hearing. I will be getting a pair of hearing aids. The nice lady who did the test as I sat in that large box told me the aids were very high tech. “How often do I need to change the batteries?” I asked. “Oh there are no batteries in these Frank.” “WOW! No...
  2. indianafrank

    A Hearing Test

    My wife’s been hassling me to go for a hearing test. She’s the only person who has to repeat herself to me. I keep telling her that I hear other men and women fine. I also told her that half the time she’s three rooms away asking me questions. How can anyone hear someone speaking when their...
  3. indianafrank

    A Dinner With New Neighbors - What's On Your Plate?

    Went to dinner with a couple that just moved into the neighborhood. The conversation eventually went into the direction of the most unusual foods we have eaten. When it was my turn I said I have eaten filly mignon. The woman says. “Oh Frank. That’s not an unusual meal. I’ve eaten filet mignon...
  4. indianafrank

    The Art of Manliness

    Don't know if any of you are familiar with this online blog. Lots of interesting information. Here is one of it's articles. The Art Of Manliness Pipe Smoking For Beginners
  5. indianafrank

    Chilli And Pasta

    Cold as hell, snowed in here in rural NY. So I cooked up a chili and pasta dish.
  6. indianafrank

    Does Anyone Know How Bradley Is?

    Haven't seen him on the forum. I know he was ill for a while.
  7. indianafrank

    We Used To Sniff Glue And Drink Cough Syrup

    Todays kids are eating Tide pods.
  8. indianafrank

    Admiral Byrd And His Pipe

    Admiral Byrd sent 5 months in isolation in Antarctic. He was in charge of a meteorological station. He gave up pipe smoking for 10 years, but on this trek into solitude he decided to bring his pipe. Is that a corn cob?
  9. indianafrank

    A Large Tin Size Question

    I'm a CH lover, especially in a cob. I read in another thread about Hearth & Home, Chatham Manor as a good substitute for CH. I'd like to try it. But...I don't light up my pipe everyday. And now that winter is here in upstate NY, I don't go out as much to smoke. My questions is. Because I can...
  10. indianafrank

    Really, I'm Not a Scrooge

    I have great neighbors. We get on each other all the time. It’s been about a week and I didn’t hear from one of them, Dan, so yesterday I called him. Me. “Why haven’t you called me?” Dan. “I’ve been real busy.” Me. “You never talk to me anymore.” Dan. “Honestly, between my daughters games, and...
  11. indianafrank

    My Wife And I Were In Wal-Mart

    My favorite store. I’m in the automobile section. I needed a oil filter and some oil. A Wal-Mart employee walks up to me. “Supp?” I said. “What?” He says. “Supp?” I said. “Sorry. I don’t understand what your saying.” My wife tells me to “not go there.” End of story.
  12. indianafrank

    I Finally Put My Foot Down

    Since the time marriage was invented, it seems that it’s always the man that has to give up something…that demands are mostly made by the wife. So in my house, I just decided to put my foot down. I told my wife. “From now on I want you to leave the toilet seat up.”
  13. indianafrank

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    This is the time of year we should remember to cherish or families. I'd like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! And everyone of you are like family members to me as well. Frank
  14. indianafrank

    The Old Stone Fence

    Levi Macken was sitting on a stone fence. He filled his clay pipe, and with a feeling of accomplishment he looked at the long expanse of fence line he had just finished building. He lit his pipe, and sipped the soothing nectar. Exhaling slowly, Levi blew the smoke through his lips. Feeling...
  15. indianafrank

    The Wal-Mart Greeter

    My wife and I went t to Wal-Mart to buy a plunger. The greeter says, “Hi. How are you today?” I said. “Great. But I’m backed up.” Greeter says. “I’m sorry. I’m sure the pharmacist to the right can help you.” I said. “Nope it’s pretty bad. I need a plunger.” My wife says to the greeter. “Just...
  16. indianafrank

    I Dreamed I Died. Anyone Else?

    My first impression that I was dead was when I noticed my body beneath a UPS truck. That’s when I noticed I was floating above the truck. At first, I wasn't aware that I was looking at my body. I thought the body I was starring down at was that of another person. Then I noticed the body’s face...
  17. indianafrank

    I'm Back. Not That Anyone Gives A...

    Busy summer. Away most of the time. I lurked here a few times. But now I'm back and will be reading the threads more frequently. And in case anyone was thinking this. No I was not moved into an institution as one forum member at another site asked. "If common sense is common...then why do so...
  18. indianafrank

    Whatever Happened to Popeye?

    We’re watching my 6 year old grand-daughter for a week. She lives 3 States away, so we’re thrilled as all get out to have her. But on the first day, after 3 hours of her chasing me around the yard, swimming in the pool, playing kickball, doing jumping jacks, and playing at the park, I said...
  19. indianafrank

    But I Really Want The Drugs!

    I had another colonoscopy. No matter how many I've had, there is still a nervousness about the procedure. So after prepping me they wheeled me into the colonoscopy room. The room had machines, computers, and on the wall framed pictures of intestines, and anal cavities. After a twenty minute...
  20. indianafrank

    Has Anyone Received This Email?

    I received an email, the subject line read. “REVERSE LOST BRAIN CELLS.” The email was from some brain Doctor. After I read it, I thought. “Why would that Doctor send me that email. Does he think I’m a candidate for whatever he’s selling?” I mean, I’m no Einstein, but I think I’m smart enough to...