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18 Fresh Rossi Pipes
24 Fresh Rattray's Pipes
12 Fresh Dunhill Pipes
36 Fresh AKB Meerschaum Pipes
12 Fresh Estate Pipes

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  1. lifesizehobbit

    Any Kilters In This Pipe Clan?

    Recently I've started to explore what some call the Kilted Life; that is wearing Scottish style kilts as part of a normal garment rotation. Contrary to belief, one doesn't have to be Scottish to don the kilt, but one should wear a kilt respectfully even if doing so more casual than say to full...
  2. lifesizehobbit

    Another Tamper Joins The Collection

    After getting a couple of Buttons For Your Britches pipe tampers, I couldn't resist picking up one more. This one is called "Morty" which I believe is a nod to Frog Morton. I really love these little works of art.
  3. lifesizehobbit

    New Pipe Tamps

    Acquired two new Pipe Tamps from #Buttons4YourTrousers at the Columbus Pipe Show last weekend. My wife has already taken the Gnome, and she doesn't smoke a pipe. :)
  4. lifesizehobbit

    Dr. Squatch Robe

    So in a moment of silliness, I ordered a Dr. Squatch terry cloth robe. How could I resist a pipe smoking squatch?
  5. lifesizehobbit

    New Boswell Nose Warmer

    While visiting Boswell Pipes today, I picked up this very nice little bent nose warmer. Predominantly smooth with incredible grain; the heel of the bowl is rusticated in a black finish. First bowl of Countryside has been smoked while at the Boswell shop in their upstairs lounge. Pretty good...
  6. lifesizehobbit

    Trip To Boswell's Pipes

    Traveling casually in PA and routed myself through Chambersburg so I could visit Boswell's Pipes. I took 3 of my Boswell's with me and they were kind enough (emphasis on kind because they have pipes they're carving) to polish the stems and a quick hit on the pipes. Of course I walked out with...
  7. lifesizehobbit

    A New Ryan Alden - Author

    After meeting Ryan Alden a number of years ago at the St. Louis Pipe Show, I knew I wanted one of his pipes. At the time, I just didn't have the ability. A few weeks ago I reached out to Ryan to discover all he'd been going through, but that he was working to get back into pipe making. Lucky...
  8. lifesizehobbit

    SRV - Pipe Smoking Footage - Japan Concert

    Stevie Ray Vaughn was such a talented guitar player, but I sure didn't know that he smoked a pipe as well. Here is a YouTube link to a concert in Japan where Stevie is playing "Scuttle Buttin'" while smoking a pipe. Never saw this before today. SRV - Scuttle Buttin' & Pipe
  9. lifesizehobbit

    Long Time Away

    Hey all! I looked up and something like 8 months had passed. Reset my PW and here I am. What a rough 2019; lost my Dad, our long-time companion dog and underwent two knee surgeries. I don't think I've smoked my pipes for almost 2 years (maybe once or twice) since my dental surgery. Hope I...
  10. lifesizehobbit

    Great Fall Day

    So a great fall day here in SW Ohio; sunny and 55 deg F. My wife and I started off by shopping to fill some shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, picked up a couple of essentials along the way, had lunch and then got home to cut the lawn. I closed off the late afternoon with some Pete's...
  11. lifesizehobbit

    It Is Finished

    Eleven months ago I started the long journey of dealing with dental implants on 2 front teeth. Yesterday, I completed the process and today I am sporting a new smile. In the final work, the dentist I worked with not only installed the crowns, but provided some cosmetic work on the old...
  12. lifesizehobbit

    T Minus One Month (Or Thereabouts)

    I am finally drawing near to the end of my dental implant procedure which also indicates the end of my pipe hiatus. Hard to believe it's been about 10 months since I last enjoyed some Frog Morton and a lot has changed in that arena. Essentially I avoided any nicotine or alcohol (even...
  13. lifesizehobbit

    The Kilted Life?

    Just curious if any of the pipe community here also favor wearing kilts either formally or for daily use? Beyond the normal tartan look, there are a variety of what's known as utility kilts. Think of those as kilt jeans. If so, what are your thoughts, etc. about the kilted life? (Side note...
  14. lifesizehobbit

    Memphis Belle B-17 Restored

    Had the pleasure of getting over to the National Museum of the USAF (or as we refer to it locally, WPAFB Museum) today for the public reveal of the recently restored Memphis Belle B-17 bomber. Today's date was the 75th Anniversary of the bomber's last and 25th successful mission in Europe...
  15. lifesizehobbit

    RIP Harry Anderson

    Harry Anderson, of Night Court fame has passed at age 65. The family states natural causes and reports indicate no foul play. Judge Stone's last trick.
  16. lifesizehobbit

    RIP R. Lee Ermy

    R. Lee "Gunney" Ermy passed today at age 74. Reportedly due to complications from pneumonia. I had the pleasure of meeting him once.
  17. lifesizehobbit

    Implants Update

    Hello fellow pipers! I just wanted to drop in and give a quick update on my dental implant progress. The bone graft is done and in two weeks I'll get the posts inserted. Somewhere around July 10, I may see the final fit for the crowns. Still no piping until I'm fully healed so from now...
  18. lifesizehobbit

    PAD Strikes Again

    All that Zulu talk over on the Peterson 268 thread prompted me to go compare Zulu shapes (having never owned one). Next thing I know, my fondness for smaller pipes bites me with this Ropp rusticated Zulu. I won't be able to smoke it until I complete my dental implants later this year, but hey...
  19. lifesizehobbit


    It's easy to be skeptical of what most would think is a remake of the 1995 Robin Williams movie. I myself did not like the 95 Movie as it just struck me as absurd. The 2017 version starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Kevin Hart and Jack Black could have gone in a lot of directions; however...
  20. lifesizehobbit

    Peterson 2016 Summertime - Peterson XL21

    Just enjoyed a bowl of Peterson's Summertime blend from 2016 in my Peterson 2001 St. Patrick's Day XL21. I had originally ordered the 2015 blend to try (candidly because I liked the tin art), and the vendor accidentally sent the 2016. I offered to return it for exchange, but they nicely told...