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  1. ichbinmuede

    Hey there fellows!

    Hey guys! Haha, been a while! Hopefully there are still a few guys around who recognize me. But here I am again and I will be trying to be a bit more active again. Still smoking my pipe and I'm now officially a college boy. In there for journalism and it is honestly quite interesting so far...
  2. ichbinmuede

    New addition to the collection!

    And not the pipe one! Sorry I haven't been around much lately but with school coming up and my brother being in town I've been a little busy. I just had to show this thing though! I picked this up for an absolute steal at a flea market here on the weekend because all those switches made me...
  3. ichbinmuede

    A super sweet pipe to put on the rack.

    After looking at this one in the case at my local B&M I just couldn't leave it there any longer. A W.Ø. Larsen handmade no. 18 with what I'm fairly confident (and doesn't really concern me) is a replacement stem. Great grain and a great smoke. B-e-a-utiful. Love it. Front And side. Just...
  4. ichbinmuede

    Well I heard something from the college today.

    Well I didn't tell anybody here that I was waiting for a word back...but I did get one! Hah the status on one of my three applications is an affirmative. If I'd like it I could go in and learn the ways of being a Journalist but if I'd like to go in and get the know how to be an Electronics or...
  5. ichbinmuede

    'Tis the season for PAD!

    It sure does seem that way. Today I went back to my tobacconist to see about making a deal/trade and made one! Made nine tampers and said goodbye to them and two pipes and said hello to these two pipes! Another Dunhill shell briar! This one has a banded shank due to a crack which I don't mind...
  6. ichbinmuede

    Today marks the 75th anniversary of a historic day.

    Seventy-five years ago today the Hindenberg crashed as docking was attempted at Lakehurst Naval Air Station in southern New Jersey. A historic day and worth remembering. The day the dirigible died. Here is a fine series of photographs for you to look upon and ruminate.
  7. ichbinmuede

    A new pipe! PAD strikes hard.

    Hah after biding my time for a good deal I finally got myself a Dunhill. What a beaut! A hell of a good smoker as well. I'll re-size the photo if desired but y'can't blame a fella for being proud.
  8. ichbinmuede

    A question for the turners around here.

    On a lathe with an eight inch swing is it safe to mount a 6 inch chuck? Safe for the lathe and for me of course. Since it's a wood lathe we're talking about here would all I have to worry about be perhaps extra wear on the drive belt from the added weight?
  9. ichbinmuede

    Some new additions to the collection.

    Just got done restoring a few pipes and they've now found their places on the rack(s). First up: Two Trypis pipes Next are three Blatter pipes All great looking and great smokers.
  10. ichbinmuede

    John Patton's (Tiltjlp) Latakia Junction.

    I recently picked up 8 ounces of this from 4noggins because it sounded an awful lot like C&D's Billy Bud in the description and am I ever glad I got more than 2 ounces. What I've found is that it's downright delicious and I think I may like it even more than Billy Bud. That smoky latakia...
  11. ichbinmuede

    Looks pretty broken.

    In my preferred browser of Opera at least. Temporary I'm sure but I just thought I'd say so in case it wasn't known.
  12. ichbinmuede

    Turning frustrations

    I was just trying to turn a piece of walnut down to 3 mm (+/- .1 for both a challenge and a project) and it just snapped when I was within .8 mm. AGH! So dang infuriating. Threw my safety glasses across the room and just about threw my chisel at the floor. Whew. I just had to get that off my...
  13. ichbinmuede

    My first and second turned tampers

    Well since I got a lathe for Christmas I thought I'd turn something. What better for the first attempts than a tamper? So here we have them! Turned from oak and walnut. Try and guess which came first! Yes, I did figure out how Unclearthur did that magical little ring. :D
  14. ichbinmuede

    Yet another attack of PAD

    Yes it does seem like I make a good many of these. But heck who else but you guys can help reassure me that my decision was a good one? Now some of you may recall me saying that I'm not too crazy about panel pipes. Wouldn't you know it though? The next day I see this one and I couldn't let...
  15. ichbinmuede

    My new Paradis freehand.

    Just got this baby in the mail and cleaned up. Lucky me the thing was barely smoked by its previous owner. I can still see grain lines inside the bowl through the black! Definitely was sold as a high grade and the gorgeous grain on it speaks for itself. And a close up of the bark like...
  16. ichbinmuede

    A couple of crazy pipes.

    Hah I couldn't just see these and not show them around. This one is actually kind of cool I think. This one however is just crazy. Not something for my collection that's for sure.
  17. ichbinmuede

    Just pre-loaded Skyrim on my steam

    Anybody else going to be rocking the Elder Scrolls this weekend? I know I'm pretty excited to go adventuring. :D
  18. ichbinmuede

    Take a look at THIS PAD gem!

    I know I showed off the big old meer I got (and I'll get you some nicer pictures once I have it in my hand) but look what just came in the mail! This big beautiful Soren! The seller didn't list any measurements but it was too beautiful to pass up so imagine my surprise at the size! Hah that's...
  19. ichbinmuede

    Just got this beast.

    Hah okay maybe not beastly but pretty excellent. The price was just too good for this unsmoked 16 inch meerschaum.
  20. ichbinmuede

    PAD Heartbreak!

    I had finally found the smooth Peterson System 302 (estate) that I've wanted for long while on ebay for a good price! Alas when I got it I saw something that the pictures and description didn't show...the chamber was a good quarter inch out of round and the chamber looked like it had been...