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  1. J

    UK/EU Members - Tobacco Consignment Shop?

    Hi all A question to our UK/EU members. Does anyone know of a pipe tobacco consignment shop in the UK or EU? I'm wanting to sell some of my cellared Germains/Eso/McClellands etc to fund a few things but have no idea who to contact. Larrysson's consignment shop has since closed down I think...
  2. J

    Best Books on Tobacciana History?

    Please capitalize important words in titles. What are your favourites? Mine is undoubtedly the great Compton MacKenzie's Sublime Tobacco, as much for the way he marries personal anecdote with a level of detail that is, as he puts it, 'exhaustive without being exhausting'. On the other hand...
  3. J

    UK Market Germain's Availability?

    I don't suppose any of our UK forum members know anything about what's happened to Germains availability in the UK? I've chatted to a couple of shop owners and I realise stock is flowing out of the country to the US and China...but it's been a year now of pretty much blanket 'out of stock'...
  4. J

    What Makes Brown Flake Just That?

    Hi, I've smoked traditional SG and Germains versions for years but this morning tried G&H brown Flake u/s for the first time. I was struck by the noticeable dark fired note, both on my hands after rubbing it out and in the smoke. Which got me wondering what defines a brown Flake? Is it the...
  5. J

    British 'Dark-Fired Virginia'

    Yesterday I tried G&H Westmoreland Slices for the first time and was really thrown by it. On TR it was described as straight virginia and it clearly had what I know as a strong, deep, spicy kentucky/dark leaf profile. I read all available descriptions of it and it gets described as 'dark-fired...
  6. J

    Hello from the UK

    Been piping for what must be getting on ten years now and have always perused this board in the search for answers to obscure questions. Thought I'd finally sign up to learn more from the wisened elders. Likes: all things Germains Dislikes: that god awful lakeland essence (although now a...