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18 Fresh Estate Pipes
24 Fresh Brebbia Pipes
3 Fresh Bill Shalosky Pipes
72 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
18 Fresh Mastro Geppetto Pipes

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  1. PA Piper Mike

    Most Enjoyable Criminal Erasures in Movies

    Pretty self a movie that gets your blood boiling to the point that you Ric Flair "WOOOOOH" out loud when you see the criminal or bad guys get what they deserve in movies. Easiest start:
  2. PA Piper Mike

    A Look Back on Clay Pipes

    An interesting live video I came across on clay pipes. Starts off a little slow but gets into some interesting history and facts about clays. Not sure if some of our clay masters on the forum here can chime in, but there are definitely a few things I didn't know. But then again, I knew only a...
  3. PA Piper Mike

    Best with Coffee...

    Sipping on some coffee this morning, I got to thinking, and I'm sure there is a decent "pairing" thread or two around, but I was specifically curious as to what tobaccos pair best with coffee. Typically, I'll go with GLP Chelsea Morning, but I'm curious as to which tobaccos everyone else reaches...
  4. PA Piper Mike

    GLP Spark Plug

    I started smoking this about a year or 2 ago and have been stocking up, but it's only been lately that I've been smoking a boat load of this stuff and it has risen to the top of my favorites where I am smoking this about once/day (only smoke about 4-10 bowls/week). The tin note on this blend is...
  5. PA Piper Mike

    Pre-packaged 1 lb Bags of Tobacco

    Quick cellaring question with these 1 pound pre-packaged sealed bags of tobacco (case in point Sutliff). Do they need to be taken out of the bags and jarred or are these thick bags perfectly fine to keep them in for long term storage?
  6. PA Piper Mike

    Hey from PA

    Hey everyone and hello from Southeastern PA. My name is Mike and I've been enjoying the hobby since October of 2018. Mine was not your typical introduction to pipe smoking. I had tried it years ago when I was 18 or 19. I bought a drug store Dr. Grabow pipe along with a pouch of Paladin...