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  1. W

    Which Beverage with which Tobacco?

    As stated how do you pair Virginias, vapers, burley, dark fired k, orient, latakia , aros? I hope for an inspiring great discussion.
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    How Many Bowls do You Smoke a Day?

    So I already thought about stopping cigarettes and just smoking pipes. Already posted about it here. Well did not work yet. ;) But I m thinking for next year just smoke pipe at home and only outside turn to the coffin nails. Maybe which is important is that I roll my cigs by myself. Thin and...
  3. W

    Which GL Pease Should I Buy?

    Stated in title. I can choose from this assortment: G.L. Pease Tabak kaufen | Pfeifen Huber - Looking forward what you recommend.
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    Legendary Tobaccos Availability?

    Title edited, and brands capitalized. So I read about the famous Balkan Sobranie, Esoterica, f Frog Morton and I m sure there are more "legendary" brands. Were they really that amazing and I just missed out or is it just because they are not anymore possible to purchase for a normal price. To...
  5. W

    Can u tell me which brand the pipe is and which form Could you tell me which...
  6. W

    Dogs And Pipe Tobacco (funny story)

    So yes naturally smoke is not good for humans or animals. We got that settled... The funny story is that my dog totally digs some tobacco and hates others. I smoke pipe in one room and naturally my dog is always allowed to leave the room. Window opened and air cleaner on. So much to that...
  7. W

    Differences Among Peterson's: Early Morning Pipe, Nightcap, Mixture 965

    So I got really fond of original oriental by mc connel. I have over 10 years aged EM NC and m965. And i just can't tell them appart as i probably labled them wrong. Also I don't see much difference in taste. (I might labeld the NC right as it is strong and numbs my cheek a bit) but I m not sure...
  8. W

    How Long Do Aros Keep Their Taste?

    So after my pipe journey over like 6 months I learned here a lot and over YouTube. I now drift as many towards natural or light aros. I guess it's just the natural way :D natural or light casked tobacco or english offer more nuances. But some strong aros I enjoy a lot like the 66 kohlhase and...
  9. W

    Tasting Tobacco Is Mostly For Me Over Retrohale

    Is it the same for you guys? On my tongue maybe I taste bitter or sweet and maybe sour. (Very decent taste though) but if I blow out the smoke through my nose.... this is where the different tastes come out. I can taste nuances and get what people review and write my own review. But with my...
  10. W

    Which Luxury Lighter?

    Yeah you can light everything which produce fire :D I m thinking of wishing of Santa some nice lighter in a normal price range. I bought a vintage dupont and love it for cigs. Which I will quit at some point or reduce drastically:D I m looking forward if you have advice wich brand produces...
  11. W

    Difference Sweet Vanilla Honeydew to Mac Baren Vanilla Roll Cake

    I love the vanilla roll cake and i think about buying from dan tobacco the s.v.h. Any experience what's the difference in taste? I know not a bit difference probably but I love to hear your opinion. :)
  12. W

    Filter Or No Filter?

    So my personal choice is right now filter. It gives me a much cooler smoke and therefore more flavour. Most of my estate pipe are none filter. It s not that I can't enjoy em but the smoke is way hotter and I need to suck up the humidity with a pipe cleaner from now and then. Is none filter...
  13. W

    Tobacco stores in Baltimore?

    Got a good ol friend in Baltimore and maybe he can send me some US tobacco. I heard so much about three nuns and escudo. Any advice where he can grab some and send it over? As a present if should pass the EU border I guess. Any must have from the US I should/must try?
  14. W

    Any Advice on Quitting Cigarettes?

    Title edited for caps and brevity. Please read rule 9, I love or loved smoking cigarettes but I kinda thing I start to grow out of it. I already smoke self rolled VA tobacco and smoke the half of it while I roll the next one in the evening with beer. I think I want to kick the addiction at...
  15. W

    What EU Blend Would You Like to Try?

    Tile edited for caps and brevity. Rule 9. Original title: Which EU brand would you like to try (not avaible in US? Well the topic says it all :D which brand or tobacco would interest you which you can't get in US (easily).
  16. W


    Do you guys have the pipe more in the hand or clenched between the teeth? Years ago before I really got into the hobby as a younger version of myself I thought its uber cool to clench one smoke session my pipe all the time. Result: could hardly open my mouth the next day :D So now I m more...
  17. W

    About Dottle

    So with aros I see that there is still a bit unburned tobacco at the bottom even I think it's Finished and does not Relight well. It's not a lot though just a bit. (No big waste ;) With va/per slightly aro (peterson 3 year cask english mix) it s even less. With english vintage blends I can smoke...
  18. W

    Differences US tobacco vs EU tobacco

    I m wondering what are the differences. I m in EU. Austria to be exact. Does US have more choices? I look forward to Christmas. I would love to trade some tobaccos with an US citizen with regional tobacco. Although shipping will probably kill me young jedi :D
  19. W

    Which Pipe Brands to Avoid?

    I guessing this will be q controversial topic. But what brands of pipe manufacturers do you stay away from. Which estate pipe is just not worth the time to refurbish? What are your favorite brands and which estate pipes brands are a must . (I guess for example dunhill)
  20. W

    Sipping with a bit air to it (like wine tasting)

    So I m far away from an advanced pipe smoker. But what I learned for myself is that if while sipping i leave from time to time a bit of air with the sipping in and it intense and cools the smoke in my opinion. I would say I do it a bit like wine tasting. Normally you smell wine and then sip it...