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3 Fresh Tsuge Ikebana Pipes
30 Fresh Chacom Pipes
12 Fresh Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Pipes
24 Fresh Rattray's Pipes
3 Fresh Scottie Piersel Pipes

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  1. oppie

    Back after a self-imposed exhile

    Hello Gents, What have I missed???? lol
  2. oppie

    What makes a favorite....

    I have this one old cob around 5 years old, cost me less then 4 bucks, it's a beat up old thing with carbon an inch thick, but this pipe is a great smoker. I can smoke it all day everyday for weeks and it still delivers a great smoke. Amazing how some pipes just become your favorite.
  3. oppie

    Best Places to live......

    No. 1: Huntsville, Alabama. Talk about a bulletproof economy. This northern Alabama city represents critical mass for the nation's missile-defense and aerospace industries. The medical and life-sciences industries are thriving, too. Thousands of new jobs are pouring into town. With a few...
  4. oppie

    Fla. Mayor: Quit Smoking Or Get Fired, Even At Home

    In an effort to enforce her personal views, she has prompted the City Council to vote on a measure on Monday, which would tie the smoking habit to an individual’s job. “For employees, they would have one year to quit smoking or using chewing tobacco or face disciplinary action that includes...
  5. oppie

    Pleasant surprise

    I was going through all my tobacco that I had stored and to my pleasant surprise. I found 4 tins of Peterson Irish Flake that I had long forgotten about. That ever happen to anyone????
  6. oppie

    Most Famous Pipe Smoker...

    Albert Einstein.
  7. oppie

    Favorite Sayings......

    I have two. "Pigs get fat. Hogs get slaughtered". and "No good deed goes unpunished". I have found that both are almost always true.
  8. oppie

    Phil. I love the picture

    at the bottom of your posts. We the people........ Sends chills up my spine.
  9. oppie

    Happy Easter

    Wishing everyone a Happy Easter. Enjoy the day with your families.
  10. oppie

    Shut Up and Sing

    Artists who's music you love, but who's politics you hate. Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young,& Pearl Jam to name a few. I love their music, absolutely hate their political views.
  11. oppie

    Whats in your CD player

    At the moment I got The Who- Live at Leeds in my car CD player.
  12. oppie

    Three Nuns

    Has anyone smoked or does anyone remember Bell's 3 Nuns? I believe it was English. It's no longer made. From all the reviews it was a 5 star tobacco. C&D has a blend called 3 Friars which is supposed to be a near copy. I smoked 2 bowls of 3 Friars today. Very, very good. I just don't have...
  13. oppie

    Burley, Latakia and Perique

    I'm looking for suggestions for a nice FULL bodied Burley, Latakia and Perique blend to go with my C&D-Crowley's Best. Any suggestions.
  14. oppie

    Favorite Bond Girl

    Eva Green or Ursula Andress. Both are stunningly beautiful women.
  15. oppie

    Millions unplug for Earth Hour

    The fourth annual Earth Hour will see buildings in up to 4,000 cities in more than 120 countries unplug to reduce energy consumption and draw attention to the dangers of climate change, according to organizers. The event will roll across the world, with participants turning off the lights when...
  16. oppie

    Best Bond

    Who's your favorite Bond and Bond movie? Sean Connery. Goldfinger.
  17. oppie

    Favorite \"Classic\" Author(s)

    Besides Shakespeare, Who's your favorite Classic author. I have two. William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway. I love the South and reading Faulkner I see the South thru his eyes. The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway is simply a work of genius.
  18. oppie

    Best Car Wax

    With Spring in the air, it's that time again. Washing and waxing your car on the driveway. The best car wax I have found is Collinite. Excellent product.
  19. oppie

    Has anyone ever read.....

    The Haunted Bookshop? I just started it. Interesting.