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  1. pipeanddrum

    What would you pick up in Dublin?

    I'm headed to Ireland next month and plan to visit the James Fox and Peterson shops with the intent of picking up a new pipe to commemorate the trip. What would you buy if you were in Dublin?
  2. pipeanddrum

    Is this Peterson drilled correctly?

    I just received a beautiful Peterson 80s Aran in the mail today and noticed that the draft hole looks to be drilled a bit high. The only other pipe I own with a high draft hole is an Irish Second 303 system which, as an aside, has a terrible gurgle. Is this high draft hole common to the 80s?
  3. pipeanddrum

    The incomparable Revor Plug in pics!

    Revor Plug is my desert island smoke. It ticks all the boxes for me. Fully flavored and strong without being overwhelming, this plug has a very subtle sweetness with an alluring smokiness that is reminiscent of aromatic wood - hard to believe there is no Latakia in the blend. There is an...
  4. pipeanddrum

    Looking for Recommendations Based on Current Favorites

    Since picking up my first pipe over 3 years ago I've sampled about 50+ different tobacco blends and have recently started to get a good sense of my preferences. Currently my favorite blends are: GL Pease Gaslight, Irish Flake, Old Dark Fired (flake), Revor Plug, McConnell's Latakia Flake, Tabac...
  5. pipeanddrum

    A New Rossi Vittoria 8320

    My new Rossi Vittoria 8320 came in the mail today and I broke it in with an inaugural bowl of GL Pease Gaslight plug. After wanting a 320 for a while and having read favorable reviews of the Rossi pipes, including on this forum, I decided to add this shape to my humble collection. At $35 on BnB...
  6. pipeanddrum

    Indonesian Tobacco?

    Can anyone tell me how I can procure Indonesian tobacco online or otherwise? I'm specifically interested in Demit666 and Kama Sutra. I've found threads here related to these tobaccos but they date back to 2014 and there weren't any posts that clearly outlined how to purchase these blends...
  7. pipeanddrum

    Documenting my bowls with photos

    A couple of years ago I started documenting different pipe+tobacco combinations with pictures and posting them to Instagram. I found it a fun way to keep track of which combinations I've tried, making note of the ones that matched exceptionally well -- and to enjoy my photography hobby. Here are...
  8. pipeanddrum

    Tobacconist in Galway?

    Hello all, I'm currently in county Clare Ireland, travelling to Galway tomorrow and am wondering if anyone knows where I can find pipe tobacco there. I have found Condor plug and it seems most newsagents stock it and/or the ready rubbed variety but I'm looking for other, harder to find blends...
  9. pipeanddrum

    Tobacco in Germany

    I have a friend who will be traveling from the states to Germany soon and I was wondering what tobacco blends might be readily available there that we cannot get easily in the states that I can ask them to procure for me. Any suggestions for specific blends and shops in Berlin? Thanks!
  10. pipeanddrum

    An ode to Lady N

    I was inspired this weekend while enjoying the company of Lady N to pen the following (work in progress) poem dedicated to her. I thought I'd share with my esteemed pipe community members. Hoping to turn this into a country tune for my band to play: Lady N Lady N has a way of letting you know...
  11. pipeanddrum

    Instagram pipe porn - brooklynpipeclub

    This is a shameless plug for an Instagram account that I set up as a venue for sharing photos of my pipes (and tobaccos). It's a way for me to express appreciation (in a hopefully artistic way) for the craft of pipe making, their varied shapes and forms, and for the art/science of tobacco...
  12. pipeanddrum

    Pipes and Cigars low stock

    Is it me or has pipesandcigars been out of stock on much of their pipe tobacco? 9 out of 10 tinned tobaccos I searched for earlier was out-of-stock or on backorder. It's been this way for weeks if not months. I placed an order on p&c about 3 weeks ago for tobacco which included tins that I knew...
  13. pipeanddrum

    Stanwell lines/quality? Help me navigate please.

    PAD has hit me again (does it ever go away?) and I'm considering adding a Stanwell to my slowly growing collection but am at a loss in terms of navigating their various lines. Outside of the color and finish, what are the differences in quality between their Royal Guard, Silkebrun, Royal Danish...
  14. pipeanddrum

    My new HS Studio Morta - thoughts

    I received this HS Studio morta purchased on eBay in the mail this week and broke it in with some HH Latakia Flake. I love the overall shape and grain of this pipe. It is very well made with the tenon fitting very securely. It is light for its size and feels great in hand. I especially like the...
  15. pipeanddrum

    Pipe tobacco from Munich?

    A friend will be traveling to Munich next week and I'm wondering if there are any good tobacco blends that might be available/popular there which we cannot readily get in the states that I can ask him to purchase for me while on his trip. Any suggestions?
  16. pipeanddrum

    Tobacco-apocalypse Plug Panic

    I'm trying very hard to keep a positive outlook regarding the impending FDA regulations and am hoping for the best. But, with the selection of my favorite tobaccos dwindling at my go-to online stockists (as we all stock our cellars), the panic is starting to set in. I've recently become a huge...
  17. pipeanddrum

    Thermofilter pipe?

    I'm considering scratching my PAD itch with the purchase of a small and very affordable thermofilter pipe and am wondering if any of you have experience with them. I imagine they are similar to Dr. Grabows in terms of quality. If so, I think I'll be happy with it considering the minimal...
  18. pipeanddrum

    what's your favorite clencher?

    I just celebrated my first anniversary of pipe smoking recently and have enjoyed every day thus far. When I started smoking a pipe (a MM Pride), I put a soft bit on it and on every pipe I bought subsequently. After 10 months or so of using them, I decided to try smoking with out the bits and...
  19. pipeanddrum

    What is your (current) favorite pipe shape?

    I know favorites change from time to time. At the moment, my favorite pipes to smoke are any one of my 3 zulus as I find they always smoke cool and dry regardless of the tobacco I put in them and I think this shape is quite attractive. The last one I picked up is a Peterson second "Airflow"...
  20. pipeanddrum

    Tobacco recommendations in Ireland

    I'm currently on holiday in Ireland and could use some recommendations for tobacco to buy that we can't readily get back in the states. I purchased a pouch of Maltan dark rich flake ready rubbed that I sampled today and enjoyed. I've seen Condor and McQuaid plug and might pick up pouches of...