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  1. reddazes

    So...Not dead... just busy

    Yes, basically that. I was sitting down, in a rare moment of quiet today, enjoying my new pipe and realized it's been.... oh 3-4 months since I last showed up. It's been crazy around here and I haven't had much of a chance to sit down and actually write a post... hopefully this will change in...
  2. reddazes

    Post Your Picture With a Pipe.

    Fun thread... I'm not very photogenic but I'll try to get one at some point. lol
  3. reddazes

    Acquired a Peterson B10 Fishtail....

    Yes to both. Penguin only has a few English blends that I really like so far, I'm planning to make this pipe an English... so I was hoping for some good English tobacco recommendations to try in it. ...That is my eye... I've always been fond of the damn picture, it was a strangely lighted day...
  4. reddazes

    Acquired a Peterson B10 Fishtail....

    She smokes like a dream. Very smooth and cool. Though there is a gurgle about half way though that is a bit annoying, and since the pipe cleaner can't be put all the way though it doesn't really go away. But other than that, it is a wonderful pipe. I'm breaking it in with English
  5. reddazes

    Acquired a Peterson B10 Fishtail....

    So I returned the pretty green lighter with the crack in it. Unfortunately the store can't issue cash refunds, but since we shop there a lot they were willing to give us in-store credit (oh woe is me) So I spent my $150 on a nice, cheep little lighter and this lovely Peterson. ((it was either...
  6. reddazes

    New Lighter...Not sure If I should return it or not.

    I went and spent $150 on a pretty Savinelli pipe lighter. I didn't realize it when I got it, but when I got it home and got to really look at it I noticed that it has a crack on the back and on one side, there is also a small crack on the front but it is too fine to show up on the pictures...
  7. reddazes

    Joining NaNoWriMo this year

    I ended up doing 2 different stories. My genre of choice is Urban Fantasy so I just stuck with it. 1. Is set in a small town with a Female shape-shifter as the main character, but alternating view points between 3 characters. One of them does something stupid and manages to wake up Wraith that...
  8. reddazes

    Joining NaNoWriMo this year

    I have SUCCEEDED! 53,469 words and two stories completely roughed out from start to finish! I tried to kill myself doing it of course. My word count hovered at about 22,000 for six days...and then in the last two days I have spent every spare second ((and even some non spare ones)) writing like...
  9. reddazes

    What are you going to get this Black Friday?

    I will be working.... most of, if not the whole day. So it is safe to assume that when I do have a few moments off work I will be cowering at home, rocking back and forth in a little corner crying "make them go away, make them go away" ^_^ Ah retail.....
  10. reddazes

    The Joke Thread: Not Safe For Work (NSFW)

    It's a long one...I apologize. It was something I got in a chain e-mail a long time ago and it made me laugh till I cried... I hope you enjoy it too.. ------------ My wife Toni is fond of saying that my last words on this earth will be something akin to, "hey y'all, hold my beer and watch...
  11. reddazes

    The Joke Thread: Not Safe For Work (NSFW)

    Skipping my list of terribly politically incorrect and offensive jokes.... Joke one: A truck driver is sitting in a restaurant enjoying a pancake breakfast when a gang of bikers come in. After a while they begin to taunt the trucker for his 'unmanly' choice of breakfast fare. When they can't get...
  12. reddazes

    Pipes and the fairer sex.

    Right up until I start telling you how to dress! lol ^_~*
  13. reddazes

    Happy Hollows Eve.....

    Happy Hallows Eve! ^_^ Everyone be safe and remember to always accept candy from strangers! :P lol
  14. reddazes

    PAD strikes again...

    Really cute pipe! Lucky find. Just keep an eye on it or it may do what Penguin's pipes do and disappear.... ...and Pstlpkr, I plead the fifth! ^_~*
  15. reddazes

    Pipes and the fairer sex.

    Personally I like the Aros... but then again it's what Penguin started me out on, but I've tried a few of his English and Virginia's and I like them too. So maybe it is just a palate thing, woman tend to like sweeter, lighter things. I bet if you met a girl who really liked smoking pipes you...
  16. reddazes

    Joining NaNoWriMo this year

    Yey! I'm glad I'm not the only one! I've been trying to get into it for years and just never succeeded, but this year I am going to try. And don't worry Pstlpkr, my job insures that, should I ever desire to grow my nails out, i fail
  17. reddazes

    Joining NaNoWriMo this year

    50,000 words in one month. if I am dead silent all November... that is why... I will be sitting at my computer trying to bash my head in with the key board and come up with something that resembles a work of writing. ^_^
  18. reddazes

    Have you ever really wondered why?

    ....a solution for many things? *cough* sorry... my mind is a bad place to live. ^_^ fun...but bad. excav8tor...I have some answers.... but not all... 1. Women are like cats... they like to torment their prey first... 2. To confuse us all. 3. We have no idea either... it just sounds better...
  19. reddazes

    S N O W at home...

    Please keep the snow to yourself....we don't want any. And by we I mean Me.
  20. reddazes

    Has something ever came back to Haunt you?

    Haha Haunted! I'm gonna go with that quart of Gatorade Penguin made me drink after one of those nights with my "Come one Just one more drink" friends. ...I was fine until the Gatorade...And let me tell you Orange Gatorade and Whiskey do not a happy formula make...Still can't drink orange...