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  1. pianopuffer

    Like Cubans- What To Try

    I am foremost a pipe smoker, mostly VA and VaBurs. I have been enjoying the Cuban cigars I came across, namely the H Upman Half Coronas and Montecristos. What are some non Cuban brands/sticks I should look to try? I do know I like milder cigars like the Davidoff Primeros and I also favor a...
  2. pianopuffer

    Mr Snuff - Lead Times?

    Just curious if anyone else has experienced significant delays w/ their orders... Their website states orders may take b/w 4-8 weeks to arrive due to lack of transport options. I placed my order about a month ago and no word yet.
  3. pianopuffer

    Help Me Date a Pete

    Couldn't pass up this shape 53 lovat (my fav) in a sandblasted Pete. Upon some initial research, based on the stamping, this would be a pre-republic pipe? Any help much appreciated!
  4. pianopuffer

    What is Santa Smoking Tonight?

    Was thinking about this whilst enjoying a holiday blend this morning. At first I thought, burley shag like 5 Bros to keep awake for the long flight. Then I figured, nah, maybe a sensible aromatic English, as Santa likes sweets too. But then, maybe he's old school and is rocking the Granger tub...
  5. pianopuffer

    GL Pease VaPers- Differences?

    Looking to explore the VaPer line of Pease blends, and wondering what the big differences are between them? To clarify, not interested in those that contain Lat. Thanks!
  6. pianopuffer

    Love the Pipe, Hate the Stem?

    So I bought a new Viprati from Cup o' Joes recently, fantastic little smoker. Cool and dry as they come. I'm really enjoying this one. Problem is, the acrylic stem is less than comfortable. It's a tapered stem, but still a bit too thick towards the end, and as I often lunt, it's becoming...
  7. pianopuffer

    HU Tobaccos

    Hoping someone might have a lead on some of the HU tobaccos. Can't seem to find them here in the US online, is their distribution limited to Europe etc. or is it just another one of those hard to obtain blending houses? Thanks.
  8. pianopuffer

    A Trip To Houston

    I'll be in Houston next week for work and was hoping to check out the pipe scene while there. Looks like The Briar Shop is pretty well known, anything else I should check out? Thanks.
  9. pianopuffer

    Bits, Sleeves, Etc...

    So I have given softy bits more than their fair share. They suck, IMO. I know that some swear by them, YMMV. To each his own. For me, no matter the stem shape/type, I do not find these comfy nor enjoyable. What other options do I have or need to read up on? Thanks.
  10. pianopuffer

    Daily Vulcanite Care?

    So I know that vulcanite does not like light or specifically, sunlight. That being said, I smoke almost exclusively outdoors where it’s often sunny. I’m noticing that some of my stems are starting to turn even though I am pretty meticulous with my pipe cleaning and care regimen, making sure they...
  11. pianopuffer

    Finish Wearing Off Pipemaster?

    I recently got a Pipemaster lighter in the matte black finish. Less than a week later, I already see the finish coming off at the corners and near the nozzle. Is this common with this finish? I know IM Corona are known for their quality so this surprises me. I love the lighter otherwise...
  12. pianopuffer

    Doomsday Pipe

    Was thinking about this as I do my yearly check on my BoB, going through supplies and adding or modifying my bag's contents in case we need to make a quick getaway. At first, I considered this as more of a resource should there be an attack on our city, but in recent months, the fires in CA have...
  13. pianopuffer

    My 1st Commission - Thomas James

    So I commissioned my first pipe a few weeks ago from Pennsylvania-carver Thomas James. I first heard about him from the Blue Room Briars website, and was quite fond of his work, especially one piece they had of his, a chubby Dublin. It was already sold, but I knew immediately that I wanted Tom...
  14. pianopuffer

    Central CA Trip - suggestions?

    I will be out visiting family this week and next in Sacramento, CA. Wondering if there are any shops I should check out while I'm in town that are in the area? Thanks!
  15. pianopuffer

    Discovered Something New Today

    So, typically I aim to smoke VA and simple blends in narrower, taller pipes and more complex blends like Englishes and aromatics in wider chambers and squatter pipes. This is not a hard and fast rule for me, but it's something I've come to discover works the best for bringing out the flavors of...
  16. pianopuffer

    Tamping vs Relighting

    Was thinking about this last night while enjoying a bowl outside. When do you decide to tamp and draw to increase/deepen the ember versus relighting? I understand the need for a relight after one tamps, especially if you've left the bowl sitting for some time and it goes out... Or perhaps these...
  17. pianopuffer

    VA blending- which brand?

    I found a dark, smokey mild English B&M blend I wanna spice up with some VA leaf for more punch. The blend reminds me a lot of Boswell’s Northwoods. I don’t home blend very often, other than here and there by the bowlful. Wondering which bulk VA brand I should use? My first thought is Sutliff...
  18. pianopuffer

    Blue Room Briars Nailed It!

    Just wanted to throw a big shout out to Jesse + Scott @ Blue Room Briars. I've trolled their site for some time now, but finally pulled the trigger on an unsmoked Joe Hinkle lovat that was made for the KC pipe show back in 2015. The pipe arrived today (early, thanks USPS!), in such a thoughtful...
  19. pianopuffer

    A Bad Seed

    So I bought an unsmoked Butz-Choquin estate pipe about 6 months ago, one of their Belami pocket pipes. It's a lightweight, small straight apple that's perfect for lunting, my preferred method of enjoying a pipe. It's never smoked dry, not even remotely. I've tried all sorts of adjustments...
  20. pianopuffer

    Retrohale- How Often?

    As I’ve perfected my retrohale technique over this last year, I find myself doing it every other draw or even every draw. I can’t help it, the taste is so much more pronounced and flavorful! Am I alone in this obsession? Am I doing any harm by constantly retrohaling?