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  1. buck17


    Anyone know the history of the Bulldog/Rhodesian shape? I am wondering why the beads around the bowl are a part of it. Was there ever a functional aspect or just an aesthetic element that’s persisted? Either way, just nabbed a Peterson Squire. My first pipe of theirs actually. About to enjoy it…
  2. buck17

    Country Squire 50th Pipe

    Did anyone end up grabbing one on the only 50 pipes CS made for their anniversary? I understand they went fast. It’s a real nice Bing’s. PS posted on this earlier but the post disappeared.
  3. buck17

    Found This On The Beach

    This pipe is bonkers: Freehand Cage -
  4. buck17

    Gift Of Ehrlich

    My friend runs the Thrift Shop of Boston and gave me this. I guess Ehrlich is a storied Boston brand that produced from 1868-1968. Pipedia link here: Ehrlich's - Pipedia - This thing is some sort of pot-poker-bulldog.
  5. buck17

    NYE Cigar Suggestions

    Have a couple friends coming over tomorrow night for New Year’s Eve who suggested cigars. I don’t know cigars. Any suggestions for easy to find, mild cigars that a pipe smoker of English and Va blends would appreciate? There’s a liquor store here with a moderate selection. One whole wall behind...
  6. buck17

    Great Shape

    Do you own pipes in mostly one shape? Why do you prefer one over another for particular occasions? Do you own several of the same pipe? I have all different ones, whatever I can afford at this point but curious about others habits.
  7. buck17

    Albany County, NY Ban on Flavored Tobacco

    There is a legislative measure going up tonight at 6:30 that would ban all flavored tobacco products including pipe and cigar products. Just heard a whole report on public radio. That means all the B&M in the county would be no more since all tobacco for pipes is considered flavored. Edleez...
  8. buck17

    Wild Man Thoughts

    Has anyone tried SPC Wild Man yet? Thoughts? Thanks.
  9. buck17

    MM Quackers

    They are $65 duck calls. I will duck as not to be hit in the head by the puns coming down the line on this thread. Even if you don’t make puns this is a fine opportunity, just wing it.
  10. buck17

    Help: Replacement Stem For Meer

    My Dad found a classic claw n egg meer at a tag sale. An entire piece of stem is chipped off on the top part if the button. The pipe itself has threading in the meerchaum and in ink next to the hole is written 6. Not sure if this might reference sizing, possibly wishful thinking. Any...
  11. buck17

    Pipe Dreams

    Yesterday was a very busy day and night and I missed having a pipe. Last night I dreamt of someone smoking a bent bamboo shanked black spoon! A possible new shape for the carvers out there, the spoon. :lol:
  12. buck17

    Hipster Pipe Smoker

    I was just reading a thread here about smoking in public and there was a passing comment about a younger pipe smoker being assumed a hipster. I am in my mid thirties and work as a musician full time. I definitely look like it too. That said, I have a lot of opportunities to smoke “in the wild”...
  13. buck17

    Country Squire Custom Cob Competition

    So it turns out I won a competition to alter a pipe to fit a Thanksgiving theme at Country Squire Tobacconist. Don't have any pics just now but video of them showing it is here: I whittled a pilgrim smoking a peace pipe, his hat is the corn cob. Made...
  14. buck17

    Western Mass/ Albany, NY Region Pipe Carvers?

    Does anyone know of any pipe carvers in the Western Mass or Albany area? I'm going to check out a pipe club in Albany the first Wednesday of June that Russ suggested and ask there too.
  15. buck17

    Light Pipe Suggestions

    Any suggestions for very light briars besides the Featherweight line by Stanwell? Not looking for cobs, I know they are light. Was wondering about briars under 1.5 or so.
  16. buck17

    Humidity Concerns When Cellaring

    This summer will be my first with a real collection of jars and tins. I have a basement that is open the length of the house and a small humidifier though it also has small windows going outside. In general I can cut the humidity 25-30 percent according to the humidifier but where I live there...
  17. buck17

    VaPer Suggestions

    So, I have been smoking and exploring mostly English, Balkan, Burley, and some English aromatic blends. I love 'em. I wanted to try a VaPer and maybe this was an intense first pick due to the texture but I got some Kajun Kake. I've read Perique has a "mushroom" flavor among other odd...
  18. buck17

    Chris Besse Poker

    Currently enjoying a first bowl from my new Christopher Pipes poker. What a great pipe, so pleased.
  19. buck17

    Is Capital District Pipe Club Still Puffin'?

    I have found internet remnants but nothing recent. Anyone out there involved or know? I'm in Berkshires, seems to be nothing around here. Or anything else nearby? Thanks!
  20. buck17

    Right Pipe Right Tobacco Right Delicious

    I know this is a topic of debate but I was wondering if there are any general favorites out there for which tobacco pairs with which pipe? I have been enjoying Maltese Falcon from a cobbit, getting flavors from the breath method and really starting to taste it. I then tried it in a briar apple...