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  1. RadioPiper

    Former Cig Smokers and Pipes

    I smoked a pack a day for the last 15 years. Also smoked cigars and pipes during that time, but not nearly as much as cigs. Gave up both drinking and cigs about 8 months ago. Didn’t smoke anything for 4 months then had cigars every so often and a pipe more. Have no desire to smoke cigs again...
  2. RadioPiper

    ***What Are You Smoking?*** (November, 2019)

    Black Frigate in a Peterson Irish Sea Pipe
  3. RadioPiper

    ***What Are You Smoking?*** (November, 2019)

    GL Pease Westminster in a Savinelli Churchwarden
  4. RadioPiper

    Long Term Cigar Storage

    I’m dropping the humidity. Ordered a digital meter too to double check the ones that are in there now. I was using the 70% glycol solution but both gauges read at 75. Thanks for the help!
  5. RadioPiper

    Long Term Cigar Storage

    The temperature control unit will not keep at a constant temperature. For humidity it stays near constant at 75.
  6. RadioPiper

    What are You Reading Now?

    Just finished “The Haunted Bookshop” and am now reading “The Sign of Four.”
  7. RadioPiper

    Long Term Cigar Storage

    What’s the best way to store cigars long term? In their boxes or out? I have quite a few in a climate controlled humidor, which is actually like a small fridge with a cooking and heating unit. It functions terribly however. I don’t smoke many cigars and don’t want them to dry out before I...
  8. RadioPiper

    ***What Are You Smoking?*** (November, 2019)

    Working in the smithy having a nice Arturo Fuente Hemingway.
  9. RadioPiper

    ***What Are You Smoking?*** (November, 2019)

    Finally getting around to trying Corn Cob Pipe (and a Button Nose.) I rather enjoyed it! Definitely something different, and I do believe this may get better with some age on it.
  10. RadioPiper

    ***What Are You Smoking?*** (November, 2019)

    Just about to light up a bowl of Autumn Evening in a cob. Doesn't feel so autumn here with snow and 20 degree temps though.
  11. RadioPiper

    Show Off Your Savinelli Pipe Here!

    Just got my Savinelli Fantasia pipe in today. Home today with the boy for a "snow day," so I'll take this one for a test drive this afternoon. Still trying to figure out how school closed for less than a half inch of snow!
  12. RadioPiper

    ***What Are You Smoking?*** (November, 2019)

    Just finished up a bowl of Hamborger Veermaster. It is one of my favorite blends. The mailman just delivered a tin of C&D Corn Cob Pipe and a Button Nose, so I may try that this afternoon.
  13. RadioPiper

    Good Morning from Saugerties NY

    Indeed it is. I'm sure you know Charles Barnett as well?
  14. RadioPiper

    What are You Reading Now?

    Lord of the Rings and the Divine Comedy right now
  15. RadioPiper

    What Happened? Why the Site was Down...

    Thought I broke the site! I registered, posted, and then kaput!
  16. RadioPiper

    Anyone Sous Vide?

    I do sous vide all the time! Steak is my favorite. Good cut of beef with some fresh thyme, a split cloves of garlic, and a few whole pepper seeds in a zip lock. When done I reverse sear on a grill grate on top of a charcoal chimney starter.
  17. RadioPiper

    Good Morning from Saugerties NY

    I know Joe well. He is my mother's Uncle!
  18. RadioPiper

    Good Morning from Saugerties NY

    Good morning from good old Saugerties, NY. My name is Kris and I have been a pipe smoker on and off for quite some time. I recently picked up my pipes again after a long hiatus and found that I enjoy it more than ever. In recent time I have been enjoying some "With Pipe and Book" blends...