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  1. makhorkasmoker

    What are You Reading Now?

  2. makhorkasmoker

    What are You Reading Now?

  3. makhorkasmoker

    And Your Favourite Cheese Is?

    Back in the 90s, we used to buy “queso gallego” in Galicia, where my wife is from. It was made by village ladies, sold in the open air market, and I believe it’s illegal now. It’s definitely one of the best cheeses I’ve ever had.
  4. makhorkasmoker

    Gurgles . . . . .

    I have found that a wet smoker will eventually become a dry smoker if I smoke it enough
  5. makhorkasmoker

    What are You Reading Now?

    A book about flannery O’Conner, walker percy, Thomas Merton, and Dorothy Day. Highly recommended for those interested in these writers
  6. makhorkasmoker

    Quality - Workmanship and Disregard

    I find that a bad pipe can turn good with enough smoking. A few dozen smokes will make it ok. A few hundred smokes will make it good. This is not always true but it often is. If I sought out the very best briar and paid for it, I would expect really good smokes from the start, but I don’t, so I...
  7. makhorkasmoker

    Easy Forever Stem Gurgle Fix

    I’m glad you posted this. I have been considering the forever stems. I didn’t know they created gurgling issues
  8. makhorkasmoker

    Irish Flake Match from Bulks!

    I used to try to mix dark bird’s eye (back when it was really dark Birds Eye) with five bros, adding various condiments, including dark fired Kentucky. Never could get it to work for me
  9. makhorkasmoker

    Irish Flake Match from Bulks!

    That pipe rack is even greater than I thought then. Do you moisten the tobacco before pressing? Does it crumble back to ribbon when you prepare it for smoking or could it be sliced and smoked like flake ? Reading above I see Therm says it can be sliced…this may be a solution for me
  10. makhorkasmoker

    Irish Flake Match from Bulks!

    I'm going to have to investigate this noodle press business. I'm searching for a way to make the dark burley I smoke more consistent--the "ribbon cut" is so irregular. Love that pipe rack!
  11. makhorkasmoker

    To Clay or not to Clay....

    The trouble with clay pipes with plastic or vulcanite stems, I would think, is that you can’t put them in hot coals to clean them. For me the clean taste of clay, as well as the nice dry smoke they give, depends on the clay being clean. As soon as the clay is saturated with tar/oils—it doesn’t...
  12. makhorkasmoker

    Four Aces Red by Republic

    Dry ribbons and shags—especially those with little or no pg—often smoke better with a fairly tight pack. I believe the reason is simply that these style tobaccos burn fast and the tighter pack slows the burn. I smoke pretty much exclusively dry ribbons and shags and after years of experimenting...
  13. makhorkasmoker

    Missouri Meerschaum Bit Mix and Match

    Your post reminds me I need to order some new stems for my mm cobs and hardwoods
  14. makhorkasmoker

    Why Some Briar Gets Hot

    I second ember location. I don’t disagree with the many other explanations above, but I think some pipes for some reason tend to get the tobacco burning closer to the wall. I actually have a clay pipe that stays cool to the touch. The only explanation I can think of is that the ember in this...
  15. makhorkasmoker

    Looking For A Boswell's Countryside Replacement For A Daily Smoke

    I would try buying the basic components—“blenders”—and experimenting until I came up with something close. Good blending tobacco can be bought for around $2 an ounce. The Latakia is twice that but you won’t need much
  16. makhorkasmoker

    Thoughts on a Second Pipe

    I’m very pleased with my Dr. Grabow savoy. WV Smoke Shop has a nice section of Grabows, and they’re less than $50 each
  17. makhorkasmoker

    Chai and/or Cardamom Aromatic Recommendations?

    I would try jarring a little mild tobacco, as you say, with some cardamom pods. Let it sit a few months and see what happens. I have flavored burley by putting a single whole deertoungue leaf in the jar. I think the same might happen with cardamom, to judge from the intensity of its smell
  18. makhorkasmoker

    Bulk blends- Where to Find ?

    If you buy blenders, you can make your own English, or VaPer, or various others, except aros, for around $2 an ounce. The condiments will cost $4 per ounce but you don’t need much Latakia or perique to get the effect.
  19. makhorkasmoker

    Most Unique Blends

    C&D Dark Burley. It is the only straight dark burley I have found that has not been toasted, cased, topped or otherwise adulterated. And that includes Five brothers, another unique tobacco—but one that certainly has a topping. If I am wrong, I’d love to know what others there are. If I am not...