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  1. aspiring_sage

    Interesting places near Baltimore Maryland?

    I'm taking a surprise work trip to Maryland all next week, northeast of Baltimore. I'm completely unfamiliar with this part of the country. Looking for local info/advice. I plan to bring some pipes, but wondering what sort of culture I'll find out there. How friendly to smoking will the place...
  2. aspiring_sage

    Clay Pipe Logistics

    Got some clay pipes, now I got some questions for the people that use clay pipes. These things are fragile! How do you guys tote them about without breaking them? The short ones from Old German Clay seem to fit in any sort of case, but my Old Dominion Jamestowne is longer than a pen, doesn't...
  3. aspiring_sage

    Can Anyone Help Me Fight P.A.D.??

    About to buy a whole pile of pipes… Some clays, different shapes to try, a couple to share at an upcoming camp trip. A small altinay A small briar Cutty, for times I need to be dressed fancy. A pipe tomahawk, because it combines two of my favorite tools :) Some tobacco too… Every time I go to...
  4. aspiring_sage

    Ghosting Leather Tobacco Pouches

    Title edited. See Rule 9. I’ve had a couple of those leather pouches with rubber lining for holding tobacco. I put Captain black cherry into my first one, and I think I ghosted it. I’ve washed it and washed it, but I can still smell the cherry. I’m still learning what I like, trying...
  5. aspiring_sage

    Show off your painted corn cobs here

    Painted, stained, or other interesting coloring. DIY or professional. I have seen pictures scattered about the forums and thought it would be nice to have a single thread full of inspiration. Cobs preferred, but any interesting painted pipes would be welcome! I’ll start it off with an MM...
  6. aspiring_sage

    Getting Sick After <Daily Bowl

    I'm a lightweight, but only recently started getting that "sick" nauseous feeling from only one bowl. Previously I would have 2 or 3 bowls in a sitting, about once per week, with no problems. For the past couple of weeks I'm smoking only one bowl every few days (or less). Somewhere in the...
  7. aspiring_sage

    Resting a Meerschaum Pipe for a Week

    With all the lore around meerschaum coloring, I wanted to ask a question without derailing the Coloring Progress Over Time / No Of Bowls of a Single Meerschaum Pipe thread again. I vaguely recall reading advice on meer coloring saying something like this: "You can smoke a new Meer exclusively...
  8. aspiring_sage

    Ash Holes Put my Pipe Out!

    Whenever I try digging the ash out of my pipe, it goes out and I have to relight. Any tips?? I tend to pack dense with the three layer method, and I don’t tamp much. Maybe I’m packing too dense, but I don’t usually need any tamping. Since the pipe is gonna go out anyway, at the last 1/4 bowl...
  9. aspiring_sage

    From PAD to TAD. Tobacco Suggestions for a Beginner?

    Since we're meeting on the internet: PAD is easy. Pipes look different, different shapes, materials, finishes. TAD is less intuitive. Tobacco looks like tobacco. Can't smell it. Don't understand most of the words coming from the sommelier. I've collected plenty of pipes for now, especially at...
  10. aspiring_sage

    Not a Hobby!?

    My apologies to all on the forum: Twice I’ve forgotten again that “hobby” is a curse word, and insulting here. Smoking is so much more, than mere “hobby”. This is my second offense and it appears I did not learn from the first. Pease know I mean no insult. In my life, anything that costs this...
  11. aspiring_sage

    Favorite Places to Smoke, and Public Piping Etiquette

    MN is thawed out enough to break out the pipes again! Last year I was just toying with the hobby, but now I'm actively using it to get space to think. Most of my smoking happens in the garage, or while I mow the lawn. I've got a lawn chair in the garage and it is pretty good for reading a book...
  12. aspiring_sage

    Meerschaum in the Rain

    I have been smoking cobbs and a Dr Grabow until last month when I got a meer. This month, I've been enjoying the meer exclusively. When it rains, I'm not usually outside in the rain a lot but I'd been smoking my Grebow upside-down. How would a meer hold-up in this instance? Summer in MN is...
  13. aspiring_sage

    Intentionally Blackening the Rim of a Meer to Imitate Van Cleef

    I just pulled the trigger to buy my first meer. Waiting for it to arrive. It was difficult to swallow the price, most of my previous purchases have been cobs. I had my eye on two styles: The Lee Van Cleef style from the Dollars trilogy. A meerschaum cutty. I couldn't find any cutty pipes in...
  14. aspiring_sage

    Is a Zippo Pipe Insert Really Better?

    Title edited for caps and brevity. (no caps for articles). -jpm I like Zippo lighters. Great to fidget with, I haven't had one in years. I'm really drawn to a certain design, but they don't sell it with the pipe insert. Maybe I'll buy a 2nd just to use the pipe insert out of it. Is the pipe...
  15. aspiring_sage

    Hello from Minnesota

    Greetings all from Minnesota! I started smoking pipes just a few months ago this year. I haven't been exposed to many tobaccos yet. Attempting to support local shops before ordering online, I tried only a couple of tobacco types. I have since learned the "TOBACCO" stores close to home cater to...