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  1. spartan

    His and Her Pipes (NSFW)

    While taking my wife to work in the morning she will usually browse Reddit for a bit, but not like a normal Redditor. She's got an app for only viewing the pictures that are posted to the site. She gets no comments, no back story, just the caption that OP provides. Today she showed me this pic...
  2. spartan

    F.C.C., in a Shift, Backs Fast Lanes for Web Traffic

    The whole world has gone crazy. Screw these people, and the people messing with tobacco regulations.
  3. spartan

    A Gift From My Neighbor

    I live in a quaint apartment complex in San Antonio and have very friendly neighbors. And an opportunity opened up two weeks ago this Sunday. Upon coming home from a Walking Dead party I see two of my neighbors drinking some beers and smoking their cigs. We make small talk, I go inside and...
  4. spartan

    Happy Steak and BJ Day

    For those of you who don't know, today is National Steak and BJ Day. The ladies had February 14, and now the men have March 14 to look forward to. You're welcome.
  5. spartan

    Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham

    If simply posting this video is in violation of the rule #6 against "Politics" please remove, and accept my apologies. I'm posting up this video for educational purposes. It was a joy to watch and to hear the arguments on either side to really further my understanding of the contended points...
  6. spartan

    My Crowning Achievment

    I'm in 3rd place! :nana: #MisleadingTitle
  7. spartan

    Lawyer Brilliantly Bites Township (A Must Read)

    This is a perfect response from a lawyer representing his client who was contacted by the Township of West Orange, N.J. to shut down a site he owned called Here's a link to the article. Light a pipe, it'll be worth it...
  8. spartan

    Peterson Dracula Pipes

    Thinking about adding a Dracula pipe to the collection. Anyone here already pull the trigger on one? What do you think about it? Examples from sponsors:
  9. spartan

    Anagram Yourself

    I had some down time at work today and decided to take my full name and see what fun things I could call myself while only using the letters once; an anagram. Here's my fav: Unmatchable Righter It spits out a bunch of words that are close to words... unmatchable... you mean unmatched? A simple...
  10. spartan

    Steak and **** Day - March 14

    This, my fellow pipe smokers, is the reason for Facebook. To spread great ideas to the public. Freedom of speech and information. A revolution in free thinking and made-up holidays. Tonight my friends... We. Eat. Steak. (It's just a...
  11. spartan

    Latest Tobacco Aquisition From P&C

    I normally don't get myself a birthday present. That's why I have friends and family right? But since I became a pipe smoker I can't help myself... A truely terrific disease. Onward to the loot. I am slowly making my way through all of H&H's blends. then onto G.L.Pease, McClelland, etc...
  12. spartan

    My Friend Had A Baby And We Lit Up Cigars

    Edit: If a mod would be so kind as to change the title of the thread to " My Friend Had A Baby And We Lit Up Cigars" Instead of " My friend a baby...." Thanks :) Yeah yeah yeah... This has nothing to do with pipe tobacco, and that's why it's in the General Discussion section lol. I can say...
  13. spartan

    Peterson Churchwarden. Keep Or Return?

    Today is the third year that I have been together with my grilfriend. She's practically my wife so lets just call her that because it's shorter. So she got me this Peterson Churchwarden that I've been drooling over, and upon a closer look at the pipe there seems to be some slight rim damage...
  14. spartan

    Merkin1 Needs Your Help (Meer Repair)

    I rec'd a message from a new member I friended and found that I don't really know of anyone that can help him with a new stem for an old Meerschaum pipe. I'm not sure if any of the sponsors on the site repair any meer pipes. I've only seen briar related services. Pls Halp. lol Here's his...
  15. spartan

    $1 Shipping From PipesandCigars Friday Only

    Got an e-mail a few min ago. Thought I'd pass it on to all of you. :mrgreen: Everything Ships For A Buck On July 20 at! Just like all of you, I look forward to the fantastic day that starts with an F every week. Friday brings us paychecks, freedom from our jobs, the promise...
  16. spartan

    Another "Male" Pipe. What are they thinking?

    Uh huh... I'm at a loss for words. Why can't they make pipes that have women parts? :crazy: Thoughts?
  17. spartan

    Where is PipeTrucker?

    Has anyone heard from PipeTrucker in a while? I haven't seen any of his regular postings about life on the road as a pipe smoker. I hope all is well.
  18. spartan

    Rolling Pipe Tobacco Help/Suggestions

    I've always had too many ideas colliding with each other in my head, but this time I'd like some help with taking flavorful delicious pipe tobacco, and rolling it into a pipe tobacco cig/cigar. I love pipes to the ends of the earth, but they aren't always very convenient. So I would like to...
  19. spartan

    Goodwill Estate Pipes (Pic Heavy)

    These are the before pictures of some pipes I got off of the Goodwill Auction website thing. Got these pipes for $10 + $13 shipping. I bought this lot because I wanted the Bulldog and the Ventilator. I was lazy and took most these indoors. Here's a quick shot of all of them. From top to...
  20. spartan

    Do It Yourself Tobacco Press?

    I have a jar or two or tobaccos I don't care for so they get thrown in jail together. AKA my Leftover jar. But, I've always wanted a uniform flavor with the jar. So I'll press the tobacco together in the jar with various cooking utensils to get the job done and seal the jar up. It stays...