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  1. D

    Cellar Labels (community labels part) is down.

    Sorry, I'm you have somewhere that you've already posted things in the past? Can we have the link(s)? I could also host/share/backup from dropbox if there's any interest (or if your google drive is too full).
  2. D

    Cellar Labels (community labels part) is down.

    I figured that I'd take pictures of whatever tins I could (of course, I haven't taken the time to do that yet). I also tried GIMP to create labels from the template, but it's very complex and I couldn't figure out how to replace the text and still have it be circular. I did google and try to...
  3. D

    Cellar Labels (community labels part) is down.

    Thanks Bassman65, there were a few I was looking for that were actually there. Someone on reddit also suggested that we should just start a github site for the same purpose...that seems like a good idea; of course there should be permission requested from the mfgs so there are no legal issues...
  4. D

    Cellar Labels (community labels part) is down.

    While we're waiting for the website to come back, is anyone interested in trying to share around the ones that we have? I don't have too many because I'm a relatively new pipe smoker, but I'd be willing to share what I have and there are several I was going to search for, given that I have now...