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  1. 4dotsasieni

    Amazing How Tastes Change

    For most of my smoking "career" I haven't cared much for Virginias. Then, today, I dug into a tin of McClelland's Stave-Aged Virginia 35 Ribbon that had sat unsmoked for at least two years, and truly enjoyed the flavor and aroma! Could the difference be that the tobacco had "aged" during that...
  2. 4dotsasieni

    I Just Have to Share This - to Bring a Smile a Chuckle a Nod Saying I Identify

    Oh, boy, I can definitely emphasize! I, too have made many sleepwalking forays to the fridge, usually digging into some spicy hot Thai curry which then subsequently disrupts the rest of my sleep. I've really got to be careful now, though, since I apparently fell down the stairs a couple of...
  3. 4dotsasieni

    Pipe Cleaning With High-proof Spirits

    I think my big mistake was not drinking half the bottle of rum before doing the cleaning. Then I might not have worried so much about damaging the stain. :laughat:
  4. 4dotsasieni

    Those last few puffs

    Oh, my, I had completely forgotten that I addressed this subject before. Thanks for the reminder!
  5. 4dotsasieni

    Nirvana -- At Last!

    hobie1dog, I'd have to say that my current favorite blend is Butera's Royal Vintage Latakia Number Two, followed closely by Button Bay. And there's just something about that Edward G. Robinson blend that I like -- can't put my finger on it, as I don't taste the plum and cognac flavors that...
  6. 4dotsasieni

    Those last few puffs

    Yes, indeed, the pipe being smoked contributes greatly to the enjoyment of the last few puffs. My best experiences so far have been when smoking a Peterson "system" pipe, where you don't have to deal with the dreaded gurgle and gunk. I just smoked a bowlful of 4noggins' 3 Blind Moose, and, once...
  7. 4dotsasieni

    Those last few puffs

    sablebrush52, so far I've experienced this with my favorite blend, Butera Royal Vintage Latakia #2, Sutliff's Edward G. Robinson Blend, and 4noggins Button Bay.
  8. 4dotsasieni

    Those last few puffs

    Thank you all for the "welcome back." snagstangl, I do seem to remember those pipes with the lower bowl -- I think I saw some still on display in a tobacco shop near Madison Park in NYC in the early 60's. I'm now sorry I never bought one.
  9. 4dotsasieni

    Those last few puffs

    Having returned to pipe smoking after a brief (but expensive) fling with cigars, I've rediscovered that the best tobacco flavor and aroma are in the last bits of tobacco at the bottom of the bowl. Has anyone else experienced this? And is there a "scientific" explanation?
  10. 4dotsasieni

    Good News For Washington Smokers?

    Thanks for the kind welcome back, guys!
  11. 4dotsasieni

    Good News For Washington Smokers?

    Exactly, Crusader -- the tax is 95% and the official line is that it is a felony to buy online without paying the tax, and also to ship tobacco into the state without collecting and remitting the tax. Further than that I will not say in that I do not wish to spend my few remaining years in...
  12. 4dotsasieni

    Good News For Washington Smokers?

    Okay, so the state of Washington still taxes tobacco at 95%, but it looks lie there may actually be some good news coming for us long-suffering Evergreen-staters -- the legislature is making some serious moves aimed at legalizing pipe and cigar smoking in various establishments such as smoking...
  13. 4dotsasieni


    Just one caution -- I have heard that if you're not 100% sure that you've had chicken pox, the shingles vaccine may do more harm than good. Anyone know if this is true?
  14. 4dotsasieni

    Cart Checkers at Costco

    Oh, boy, Peck, sign that guy up as a client right away. Just think how many legal issues are involved in that one incident: unlawful detention, assault, (possibly battery in that they laid hands on him) - and then there's the whole issue of "contract of adhesion" - this case could keep you...
  15. 4dotsasieni

    Pipe Tobacco Giveaway

    Thanks, Fnord for your kind words. I don't think you'll be getting rid of me that easily -- with my desk full of pipes, and my jar of Edward G. Robinson tobacco close at hand, I'm sure I'll be taking up the pipe again, especially when the weather furns cooler, which is never too far away here...
  16. 4dotsasieni

    Pipe Tobacco Giveaway

    Apparently I did not make it clear that this offer was for Seattle-area members only, for which I apologize. Anyway, a most elegant solution has presented itself, thanks to forum member Irasch. Next Saturday, the day of the Seattle Pipe Club picnic, I will be delivering ALL of the tobacco to...
  17. 4dotsasieni

    Recommend one cigar.

    Carlos Toraño Exodus 1959 -- preferably the box-pressed toro. And, if there's a Total Wine store in your neck of the woods, they have a double corona maduro specially made for them by Quintero that will give you an hour and a half of pure cigar heaven. Can't get it anywhere else.
  18. 4dotsasieni

    Pipe Tobacco Giveaway

    "If you don't get any local takers, I would reimburse you shipping. What I don't smoke I will ship out to the guys from the Free Pipe Project." Thanks -- I'll keep that in mind. I'm not worried about the shipping; it's the 14-mile trek to the post office and back.
  19. 4dotsasieni

    Pipe Tobacco Giveaway

    Don't worry, guys -- even if I give away all the tobacco listed, I've still got enough on hand to last me for a long time ........ if I return to the pipe. :puffy: