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  1. connolse

    Oklahoma Pipe Club

    Yes, thank you for asking! I am certainly planning to be at the meeting on Wednesday.
  2. connolse

    Oklahoma Pipe Club

    I was very happy to meet these three fine gentlemen, and I would encourage any fellow OKC pipe smokers to attend next month!
  3. connolse

    Oklahoma Pipe Club

    I am usually a bit of a hermit, but I will make a concerted effort to be there on 2/8. I know the shop and I have enjoyed meeting some fine people there over the years. I also have a dusty box with some pipes, nothing fancy, I no longer use, and I'd like to pass them on to someone, along with...
  4. connolse

    Briarworks Oom Paul and a Kind Word

    I am a regular reader, but I very rarely post. I have come out of my silence in praise of a pipe, and in praise of a kind human being. My taste in pipes has changed over the years, and that should come as no surprise to the veterans. Lately, I have taken a liking to the Oom Paul shape. I keep...
  5. connolse

    Free Batch of Pipes for Someone in Need

    The pipes have found a new home. Thank you. I feel better knowing they won't just be ignored on my pipe rack! ;-)
  6. connolse

    Free Batch of Pipes for Someone in Need

    Greetings, I read here from time to time, but I do not post regularly. I have a batch of pipes I no longer smoke, and it seems silly to just hold on to them or try to sell them. I would like to find them a new home, with someone who can appreciate them and care for them. Perhaps some other...
  7. connolse

    Frog Morton, What Should I Be Tasting?

    I'm with Freehand. I stopped participating in this forum actively some time ago precisely because of people like roth. To each his own, but I prefer civility and kindness as the hallmark of a gentleman, as every true pipe smoker is. I too have noticed inconsistency in the FM line. But I...
  8. connolse

    Further to cleaning vulcanite

    Ya know, years ago I spent a good amount of money on various 'stem cleaning' doohickeys; toothpaste works wonders. . .hmmmm
  9. connolse

    No more pipes for... 5 months! I think I can do it; I KNOW I CAN!

    I believe I should officially announce the foundation of PA, 'Pipes Anonymous.' Given that I can personally vouch for the power of a genuine 12 step approach, I can see it now. . . "We came to believe that we were powerless in the face of buying new pipes. . .":-) Seriously, though, I have been...
  10. connolse

    Firedance Flake

    I suspect Samuel Gawith of any sort is an acquired, or take it or leave it, sort of thing, but I LOVE Firedance. I agree it seems like FVF with casing, but the casing is mild, not overpowering at all. I have the same thoughts on SG's Perfection. Yummy!!!
  11. connolse

    Cupojoes Purchase Review

    Cup O' Joes is in my experience an excellent retailer. I usually find myself using them or on a regular basis, depending on stock.
  12. connolse

    Need Help: Czech Pipes

    I actually own the EXACT same two pipe you do, as pictured, purchased a few years back at Club Humidor in San Antonio TX for about $30 a piece. . . My Czech pipes are actually great smokers; my only complaint being that they have rather soft stems that suffer from tooth chatter very easily, and...
  13. connolse

    airport security and Pipe

    I have had problems with a Czech pipe tool a while back, when the TSA goon confiscated it because of the "weapon-like" poker (his words) and gave me a lengthy lecture on how loving my country meant following TSA rules blah blah blah. I don't know if this guy was just having a bad day or if this...
  14. connolse

    Chagrin of the "older generation" (and I use that term loosely!)

    The 'old guard' pipe smokers in my family also never knew of things like salt/alcohol treatments, carnuaba wax, the Frank packing method or the like. They also didn't have a formal pipe rotation. But in the end I learned the MOST important tools from them: even if you don't have a huge...
  15. connolse

    Favorite time to smoke?

    I'm with JC on this :-) But of all the times, the first pipe of the morning is the most sublime, followed perhaps by after dinner.
  16. connolse

    Something New & Cool - The Pipe Tray

    Neat! It has been bad enough resisting the urge to buy a pipe from Uncle Arthur, and now this comes along too:-) willpower. . .fading. . .PAD . . .PAAD. . .(pipe accessory acquisition disorder). . .
  17. connolse

    wet smokes

    Since we're sharing:-) I always thoroughly empty out any loose tobacco from the bowl with my pipe tool, run a cleaner through the pipe thoroughly (two cleaners if it comes out too dirty), and then loop the cleaner over to clean out the inside of the bowl. I then leave it to dry and follow the...
  18. connolse

    How to dry tobacco? Shout out to tiltjlp

    DGT has also become a favorite method of mine lately, and with certain tobaccos it works wonders. Thanks to Lawrence for bringing it up and giving it a bit of PR!
  19. connolse

    Other Pipe Sellers Like Marty Pulvers?

    forsooth, I find that I frequent sellers that take the time, as you explain, to describe their product as fully as possible, and I automatically stay away from the ones that take the easy road of just posting a picture. For me, the exact specs and dimensions are important, and I guess I assume...
  20. connolse

    First impressions of several Hearth & Home blends

    990rick, if you are a fan of 965, I would suggest trying Hearth and Home Sunjammer, which is an 'homage' (not a copy or match as such) to 965. It's a sort of sweet English blend.