A Pipe for Japan

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
One of the most prominant "civillian" pipe smokers out there, PipefriendCHS of youtube has started a nice little effort to do something to help the Japanese, it may not be much, but action is action, and what we can do is what we can do.
This might be skirting the rules just a smidge, not 100% sure (I don't have anything to do with him, he's not even a real seller with how rarely he sells things, and this is a charity auction of sorts anyway) but I felt should be brought to our attention.
There is a Mario Grande (a nice pipe actually) he's auctioning to raise a bit of cash to donate, and he's an honorable guy from what I know of him, that is to say I'd trust him over most of the other things rolling around right now (we already had people selling bumper magnets by noon yesterday at university and from the group's actions in the past not a penny goes to help anyone).
Anyhow check it out if you could use a nice, larger pipe -- or even if you don't. As I'm writing this the bid is at 150 I believe, but that could change quickly. Bidding ends Friday March 18th at 6pm. You can click the embedded video again after it is playing to be taken to the youtube page, bidding is handled within the comments section but PMing him as well is always a good idea.
Prayers are all well and good (indeed, called for from the religious), but they don't put food in bellies, they only inspire people to give what does.



Can't Leave
Dec 31, 2010
Nothing wrong with raising money to help others as long as it goes to those in need, Another way would be to purchase a Tsuge pipe online. Made in Japan and beautiful pipes.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
Yay--after watching this i have the utmost respect for pipefriendschs.
I would like to warn everyone to be careful on donating. There has been a surge of donating websites that are incapable in relaying funds to Japan and have other intentions such as scamming. I recommend using Red Cross or Save the Children International just a a FYI.



Jul 13, 2010
I second the recommendation and to be careful about who you donate to for this terrible course of events.

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