PAD/TAD/Collector Research Question

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May 2, 2018
Bucks County, PA
For me at least, I don't have PAD, but my TAD is motivated by wanting to try so many different things. I have 100+ tins in my cabinet, but most are the smallest available size of a blend (mostly 1.7 oz/50 grams), and almost no duplicates. So, I wouldn't even say I am hoarding or have TAD in the same way as others. This year, my TAD isn't bad because I have so much, and what's left on my shopping/wishlist is just, I'm curious and want to try, but I'm not particularly interested like I was with the ones I have.

For those that have smoked long enough to find blends they really like only for them to later be discontinued or changed, I can maybe understand the tendency to buy as much as possible even of a blend they've never had ("if I don't like it, then I can just sell it, but if I do like it, I won't have regrets buying only one tin").

Otherwise, I'm not the type to really sock things away for "just in case" (except for money). If something becomes unavailable, then such is life, I am highly accustomed to nearing a goal or reaching for something only to have the carrot snatched away at the last minute and having my hands smacked by the stick. The response for some to go through such a thing might be to take what they can, when they can but for me, it's the opposite reaction of a sort of stoic apathy. "Meh, whatever".
Wow 🤩…no duplicates. That’s one way of doing it. I guess you can now whittle those 💯 tins down to 10-15 you really like/love & then start stocking up….might take some time though. Enjoy. 👍☕