Upshall B Refurb

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Apr 29, 2017
Minnesota USA
Picked up this Upshall cheap. Sanded the chamber back to near wood. There was some alligatoring on the back wall of the chamber, but not bad. The front of the chamber had spot that was charred a bit too. I assume at some point in its history somebody reamed the chamber a little over zealously. So rather than round, the rim is a little eccentric. I coated the chamber with maple syrup and activated charcoal.

The front of the bowl had some dings from kissing pavement. I steamed the area, then sanded to get rid of the marks. Restained the stummel so everything was of even color. It looks like somebody tried to get rid of those marks previously. The area looks like it was heavily buffed and the stain buffed/faded prior.

The stem is an acrylic replacement. But it works for me. I probably would have had Rich Lewis make a replacement out from brindle and stamp it with JU stamp, but he’s no longer around.

It’s quite a large chamber. Even more so after it was reamed. It’ll make nice aro pipe. A few hours in the shop this afternoon entertaining myself.



Apr 29, 2017
Minnesota USA
Looks great but they did do a job on the front rim of that bowl didn't they?
Well it will still smoke just fine I’m sure.

Reamers or pipe knives are overused these days in my opinion. Probably back in the day too. But not quite as much.

Seems that estate pipes were offered in as is condition more often several years ago, whereas now everybody’s a pipe restorer… screwing up the stock of old estate pipes.


Apr 29, 2017
Minnesota USA
This morning I V’d the slot, chamfered the airway on the tenon, and polished the airway on the stem. My work is done. I like to let the chamber coating dry for about a week before smoking.

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Apr 29, 2017
Minnesota USA
As it’s dry here, the bowl coating has completely dried. So I decided to take this for spin.

The 2017 Sutliff #208 Apple burns very well. This pipe has a fairly open draw, and it works well with this tobacco. Setting it aside for several minutes, it picks right back up.

A fairly large bowl feels good in the hand. It draws effortlessly. She’s a beaut, Clark…



Apr 29, 2017
Minnesota USA
Great looking B-grade! And that stem and your work are likely better than any Upshall stem that left their workshop.
I can’t complain about the original molded stems on my Upshalls.

This is a simple acrylic replacement. But it has a decent bit. And I don’t have to worry about it oxidizing. So, I got that going for me.
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