Cigars Versus Pipes

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Dec 22, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I like both. Interestingly, I hated cigars when I first started smoking pipes. Never liked them at all. My dad is a cigar smoker and had plenty of opportunity. I think pipes taught me to slow down and taste the nuances in tobacco. Now, I smoke more cigars than pipes.

Typically, cigars in the evening relaxing outside. Pipe on Saturday morning with coffee (outside as well).

I did recently smoke a Stillwell Star by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust. The Bayou Blend (VaPer). It’s a collaboration between Steve Saka and our friend, Jeremy Reeves in a cigar form. It was freakin awesome. However too pricey for an everyday thing.
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May 15, 2014
East End of Long Island
For me the answer comes down to heat. If I’m outside and the temperature is above 80, my pipes generally cease to function properly and are incapable of delivering a cool, dry, flavorful smoke. In that situation I prefer a cigar. Cigars seem to do well up to about 90, after that I’m not sure anything smokes well.

All that said, I almost exclusively smoke indoors at home so pipes are my preference day to day. I really only smoke cigars when my wife and I are visiting her parents in FL during the winter months. Those are good smokes but it’s something I do to make up for the temporary lack of pipe time.


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
I got back to pipes a few years ago after 15 years of cigars exclusively
I hear about the rising cost of cigars, but pipe tobacco is also expensive in Oz.
The cost of cigars is really not a factor as I laid down a large cellar some years ago.

I enjoy my pipes so much that cigars seldom get a look-see these days
Different genres of tobacco, so many blends.
And the variety of pipe makes and shapes.
So many more permutations than you get with cigars

I smoke cigars mainly on cigar days with mates as there are not too many pipe smokers here


May 16, 2021
Cowra, New South Wales, Australia.
The cigar is also a great weapon. When younger and walking patrol I kept a cigar in my face which kept friendly drunks at a reasonable distance. A cigar in the eye or mouth will send a mugger, not an armed robber necessarily, rapidly on his way.

It worked for Clint Eastwood!

I enjoy both, there is an itch that only a cigar can scratch, despite enjoying pipe tobacco more frequently.

Like others, the taste is subjective and depends on mood. Kind of like enjoying a rum, scotch or bourbon.
All have the same end-effect, and although taste miles apart there is no 'tastes better' - just different depending on mood.
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Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
Before knowing and enjoying the world of pipe tobacco, I smoked cigars from the 90's until today. Here in Spain there was an excellent variety of Cuban cigars. My favorites, Partagas and H Upmann. If I had to stay with pipe tobacco or cigar, it would be impossible, I love both. Unfortunately the world of Cuban tobacco here in Spain has vanished. As the guys here say, each tobacco has its ideal moment.


Might Stick Around
Nov 28, 2021
Elkview, WV
I regularly smoke both. For me it just depends on what i am doing. When drinking whiskey i generally do not smoke a pipe because it smothers out all of the delicate pipe tobacco flavors. I personally think pipe tobaccotaste better and has a substantially wider range of flavors an nuances. That being said i certainly do love cigars too.
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Nov 20, 2022
North Carolina
Pipe tobacco is cheaperand generally tastes better. However, if you get sucked into artisan pipe collecting, pipes are way more expensive! 😂 Cigar flavor is distinct and I usually don’t like it in my pipe tobacco. Also pipe smoking takes a lot more skill. I still enjoy cigars and smoke them ocassionally.
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Nov 20, 2022
North Carolina
For me the answer comes down to heat. If I’m outside and the temperature is above 80, my pipes generally cease to function properly and are incapable of delivering a cool, dry, flavorful smoke. In that situation I prefer a cigar. Cigars seem to do well up to about 90, after that I’m not sure anything smokes well.

All that said, I almost exclusively smoke indoors at home so pipes are my preference day to day. I really only smoke cigars when my wife and I are visiting her parents in FL during the winter months. Those are good smokes but it’s something I do to make up for the temporary lack of pipe time.
Interesting, I never thought about it, but I’m smoking more cigars this time of year. I always smoke outside, pipes or cigars.
Dec 3, 2021
Pennsylvania & New York
Yes i already envision smoking a few sticks at the florida meet up this weekend and only one or two bowls. To me cigars are just a bit more social.

I find it much easier to have a conversation while smoking a cigar (it stays lit longer without puffing). Smoking a pipe by myself, I usually keep it lit with a minimal amount of relights; add conversation into the mix and the relights required can become annoying—I opt for cigars if there's going to be a lot of talking involved.


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
I’m an alcoholic/addict by nature (recovered for a while now by grace).
That said-I’ve been a nicotine junkie for over forty years and while I have enjoyed cigars plenty, I cannot smoke them without inhaling them, which leads to not enjoying them.
For some reason, I can enjoy smoking a pipe in a way I never could other nicotine delivery devices.
Then there’s the fun of geeking out on the pipes themselves. Cigars are a consumable, which don’t scratch my collector itch. I’m a shooter and hunter, and love my collection of firearms but I don’t collect gunpowder and ammo just to collect it-I gather things that make the enjoyment of my collection better, just a finding tobaccos I enjoy enhances having the tools.

Dunno if that makes sense to anyone but me, and don’t really care-that’s just my take on the two.
Dec 3, 2021
Pennsylvania & New York
I’m an alcoholic/addict by nature (recovered for a while now by grace).
That said-I’ve been a nicotine junkie for over forty years and while I have enjoyed cigars plenty, I cannot smoke them without inhaling them, which leads to not enjoying them.
For some reason, I can enjoy smoking a pipe in a way I never could other nicotine delivery devices.
Then there’s the fun of geeking out on the pipes themselves. Cigars are a consumable, which don’t scratch my collector itch. I’m a shooter and hunter, and love my collection of firearms but I don’t collect gunpowder and ammo just to collect it-I gather things that make the enjoyment of my collection better, just a finding tobaccos I enjoy enhances having the tools.

Dunno if that makes sense to anyone but me, and don’t really care-that’s just my take on the two.

I think pipes and tobacco are a bit unusual when it comes to the relationship between the tool and the consumable. Like a pistol and its ammo, each separate thing is useless by itself, but I think pipes and tobacco are more equally weighted than the firearm and round. While a utilitarian might just be concerned with the pistol being able to fire the round and producing a hole in a target, it's easier to imagine the tool might often be sexier than the load (pun intended). With a pipe and tobacco, both components might be considered artfully done and appreciated equally.


Jan 7, 2024
I think there is Time and place for both. I like smoke cigars especially at hot Summer day. Some nice cold drink and fine cigar, like some spicy fat Nicaraguan robusto or smooth Cuban torpedo. And Pipe, i love pipes, and with Pipe i like to drink good coffee, with cream, or Dr pepper, or special days, some nice smokey whiskey. But yeah i think The differences is more what kind of feeling you have or wanna have. Both have this ritualistic feeling, but cigar is prepping is faster.
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Dec 25, 2021
I’m 98% pipe because I prefer the tobacco and process better. Plus, with a pipe I can control how much I want to smoke. Cigars are good at times but to me it’s a commitment and I hate relight cigars. Nothing worse than getting an expensive cigar that’s wrapped bad also. I do smoke cigars in the summer when on the boat.


Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 25, 2022
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Totally agree! When I'm with friends, it's a cigar - much less keeping track, taking an occasional puff and checking the burn, that's about it. When I've tried to smoke a pipe, I have to keep relighting to the point that I'm getting embarassed!
As to the two cultures - I like both, but both are completely different. I was smoking Cubans for 10 years or so before coming to pipes. Price is obviously a difference. Much more variety taste wise for the pipe as well, not to mention enjoying the pipe that you're smoking the tobacco in and the relationship you develop with each pipe. As for cigars - there is less variety taste wise - it's much more nuanced, but when it's done right, it's really done right! And that thick creamy smoke?! Mmmm...
I find it much easier to have a conversation while smoking a cigar (it stays lit longer without puffing). Smoking a pipe by myself, I usually keep it lit with a minimal amount of relights; add conversation into the mix and the relights required can become annoying—I opt for cigars if there's going to be a lot of talking involved.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 12, 2024
Farmington, Connecticut USA
I am a 30+ year cigar smoker and have just started smoking a pipe a few months ago. Still getting the feel of when to smoke what, but right now it’s an issue of time. If I have a half-hour, it’s a pipe, if I have longer, a cigar. I’ve been squeezing in a pipe at lunch when I am working from home and enjoy the solitary aspect of it.
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Can't Leave
Mar 11, 2023
Atlanta, GA
I smoked cigars for 25+ years before switching to pipes last year. Cigars stink like hell and the wife demands that I take a shower after smoking. I rarely hear any complaints when I am pipe smoking. I can be outside literally wreathed in VA smoke for two hours, then walk right in the door and not hear a word, but the tiniest cigarillo will send me to the shower.

Honestly, the richness and variety of flavors you get from a pipe is infinitely greater than that of cigars. I love to smoke, I did 1000 bowls my first year of pipe smoking, vs about 50 cigars per year on average. It's just so easy to pop outside for a quick smoke when you know you aren't spending $10 or more on every smoke.
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Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
I smoke and like both. Pipe a lot more though due to the variety. To me most cigars taste similar unless they have maduro leaf - which I find too sweet. I am a total pleb in that I really love Toscanos.

Once I read “a cigarette is McDonalds, a cigar is a great steak, a pipe is a 7-course meal”.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 12, 2024
Farmington, Connecticut USA
I smoked cigars for 25+ years before switching to pipes last year. Cigars stink like hell and the wife demands that I take a shower after smoking. I rarely hear any complaints when I am pipe smoking. I can be outside literally wreathed in VA smoke for two hours, then walk right in the door and not hear a word, but the tiniest cigarillo will send me to the shower.

Honestly, the richness and variety of flavors you get from a pipe is infinitely greater than that of cigars. I love to smoke, I did 1000 bowls my first year of pipe smoking, vs about 50 cigars per year on average. It's just so easy to pop outside for a quick smoke when you know you aren't spending $10 or more on every smoke.
My wife isn’t a big fan of cigar smoke either. She tolerates it, but doesn’t even like being around it when we’re outside and will keep her distance. She came home the other day while I had some Cavendish going on the patio and said it smelled wonderful. I’m trying to convince her that it wouldn’t be too bad to fire up a bowl every now and then in our finished basement. Still work to be done there.
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