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  1. birdog

    A Tale of Four Aromatics

    Step One..... This started with a recent B& M purchase of two Lane standards....BCA, and one derived from 1Q with some BCA added, that the store called Magic Mountain, I think. ...anyway, we had to be away for a week for elderly caregiving duties, so I set them each on a paper plate , in my...
  2. birdog

    Same Blend Sold under Different Names.

    No all capitals unless it's to warn us the sky is falling. I have just learned that some blends that can be bought in bulk, are the same exact blends that can be bought in tins under a different name. This is a bit of a revelation to me. Anyone want to comment on duplicates that they are...
  3. birdog

    Sutliff Mocha Slices

    a flake tobacco, that arrived with the flakes partially broken up. I rubbed some out and set it on table for a bit, filled the pipe lightly, and lit her up....nice chocolate rasberry flavor (it's an aromatic). Burned completely to white ash without working hard at it (smoked outside 45 degree...
  4. birdog

    Is Customer Service a Thing of the Past?

    So I just received a small order from WV Smokeshop with a couple ounces of LL7, some Sutliff Mocha Strips..and a 1 1/2 oz. package of Sir Walter Raleigh Regular...upon opening the pouch of SWR, the vinegar pouch smell was OVERWHELMIMNG!! and trying to smoke it was was sour and...
  5. birdog

    How can I make this stuff smokeable????

    While visiting family out of town, and low on tobacco I packed with me...I stopped at a cigar store that had some Sutliff aro was marked Vanilla Royale, and the other Spiced Rum...the proprietor evidently bought it in bulk, weighed out 2 oz. portions and bagged it. I knew it would...
  6. birdog

    Best of the Rest

    P&C markets these lb. bags as "end of the day leftovers", "floor sweepings",etc.... currently selling an English and an Aromatic, at remarkably low prices. They are both good! I let the English set for a while in a dark drawer , about a month, after first, dumping into a large tupperware...
  7. birdog

    Pipe Smoke PH Tongue Sting and Alkaline Bite

    Hi all, when I smoke virginias or sweet virginia based cavendishes, I get discomfort.. "tongue sting" know, when followed by a carbonated drink, it tingles more..... Some call this tongue bite. Others have described "bite" as an extreme discomfort , caused by alkalinity in tobacco that...
  8. birdog

    Why I Like....

    this could be an interesting thread....instead of a review, try to describe the taste /sensations/ qualities of a blend and why you like it... I will illustrate... Middleton's Cherry Blend... There is a tartness that makes me salivate....a good thing when smoking leaf that could potentially...
  9. birdog

    C & D Black Cavendish

    I ordered some of this recently in bulk, and was pleasantly surprised! The pouch smelled like chocolate and cigars, so I called and was told the leaf is all dominican cigar leaf. And the chocolate note is a result of the fermentation process. After some drying, I lit it up and enjoyed a...
  10. birdog

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    I am retired, and a new member here.....originally from Western Pa., but now retired in Upstate South Carolina....smoked a pipe since high school , off and burley and bird dogs!!!! ( and bird hunting...grouse and pheasant in Pa, and wild quail and woodcock down here, behind my English...