Does Smoking Change Taste of Food?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 23, 2024
Richmond, KY
For those that can remember, did piping change how you tasted food? Cholula seems hotter than I remember and Frank's Red Hot seems more vinegary/sour than it used to be. Maybe I'm imagining things.
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May 20, 2023
Connecticut (shade leaf tobacco country)
I would think it depends on how close you eat to the last smoke. I know toung bite can cause different taste sensations especially mints. Kind of like eating something really sweet and then eating something savory. You taste buds in one area of your toung get overloaded and the taste buds in a different area are heightened. That is true with anything you eat.


Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Once I realized a pipe smoker didn't inhale, I stopped inhaling. Once I stopped inhaling, I started to have more awakened taste buds all around.
(I only got that first pipe to bypass cigarette papers) 10 yrs ago!
Yes, I went through the same transition. As I delved deeper into tasting things, pipe tobaccos, coffee, wine, etc... I noticed that I paid more attention to my food also. It sort of wakes up your attention to detail in how things taste. I was never a hot and spicy fan, but I was able to tolerate more heat than I do now.
Plus, tobacco smoke can make you more sensitive to heat. Heck, I don't drink milk at all any more. Just one time after a long session with some acidic Virginias can bring me to my knees. So, there are some foods that I just avoid altogether now.
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Jun 28, 2022
Lower Alabama
Yes with some foods, even hours after smoking... but only some foods. Most tastes the same. Some crackery crusts for example will taste sweeter than normal, or more bready than normal. Same with tomato-based sauces. Coffee and meat don't change in flavor, nor does Dr Pepper, at least for me. Whether the taste of a food changes or not depends on what the food is, but I don't know all of what will or won't change for me or how it will change based on what I smoked because I haven't really experimented with it.

It also affects how my cigarettes (Camel Wides menthol) taste. But, even without smoking, my palette is expanded more so their baseline taste is different than before I got back into pipes. Before, they used to be cool and smooth, and all I could taste was that menthol taste (which wasn't minty like toothpaste). Now? I can always taste the added flavors (cocoa and licorice, which are thankfully only lightly added) that I couldn't before, I can taste the oriental tobacco flavor. Depending on what I smoke in my pipe that day, later the sweetness of the VA in the cigarettes comes out more for example, and it'll be like that a few hours. But at baseline, I can taste it's more complex nature than I could before.


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
Smoking a pipe hasn’t changed how flavors present to me much so far, but it has affected what I eat.
Primarily, I don’t eat as spicy of dishes much now because of a blend might bite, it seems it will bite for sure after I eat mex as spicy as I always have.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 19, 2023
Middle Tennessee
For me, I think it has made me more aware of flavors. I never thought of myself as having a sensitive palate and when I would read about the "sweetness" of a Virginia or the "smokiness" of a Latakia, etc. I would long to taste those things. So, I started really concentrating on flavors of the smoke. I think it has carried over to my enjoyment of food...... for the better, I might add.
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Oct 13, 2021
I was concerned about that so I've watched what happened to me.

The only discernable I can state is that I have less tolerance for spicy foods.

Sometimes even hot liquids such as coffee seem to need to be a little bit more cooled off before I enjoy.

But that's all I've noticed so far.


Sep 18, 2022
Yes, I went through the same transition. As I delved deeper into tasting things, pipe tobaccos, coffee, wine, etc... I noticed that I paid more attention to my food also. It sort of wakes up your attention to detail in how things taste.
It took a me a while to realize that's what was happening when I first picked up the pipe. One of the biggest dietary changes for me as a result was my new found appreciation for tea. Prior to, tea was mostly just hot leaf juice to me (sorry, Uncle Iroh) but suddenly I started drinking several cups a day.

Like some others, hot sauces and spicy foods became a bit more of a sensitive issue for my palate as well.
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