Hypocrisy Anyone?

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Jun 3, 2015

I didn’t know which category to place this one, but the pictures alone are worth the share. A restaurant where idiotoids are fist bumping joints, and pot smoke is filling the air where people eat!? Yet tobacco users have become something close to second class citizens. This one is for the hypocrites.


Mar 11, 2018
I see what you mean by hypocrisy. That said, I am in favor of legalization of marijuana and all drugs. Arresting people for drug possession and use is not something I can support. People should be allowed to do what they want. If adults want to smoke pot, I don't care.


Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
I detest the demonization and over taxation of tobacco products, but I can't hate on cannabis smoking.
As someone who frequented bars before the local indoor smoking laws were enacted I can assuredly say I'd prefer to be surrounded by 50 people smoking joints than 50 people smoking commercial cigarettes.


Jul 22, 2018
Yes this is a perfect example of hypocrisy.

I think one reason for the increased tolerance for cannabis is countless tv shows, music, movies, rap artists etcetera telling us that the drug is "cool" and harmless.
People are getting their beliefs from moronic popular-culture rather than analysis... and here we are.
I remember in the early 80's my mother saying while watching the news that she never believed that there would come a day when pot would be seen as healthier than cigarettes. This isn't new.

But, I agree with bluegrassbrian, the two aren't really related. They are two separate things happening simultaneously. But, I don't see (at least in Alabama) people thinking that pot is more socially acceptable than tobacco. I don't want to breath in second-hand smoke of anything, especially not something that might still get me fired, as it may be legal, but will still prevent you from getting a good job or fired.

I still feel weird about going into a liquor store to buy something to clean my pipes, as even though it is legal, being a drinker still isn't cool in my community. And, going to a bar, has its retributions socially as well.
People are getting their beliefs from moronic popular-culture and here whe are.
Yeh... ummm, I have a hard time with terms like "everyone" "people" or anything that implies that this is a larger portion of the public than it is. I still don't know anyone... well, I have my suspicions that the one guy who parks his truck with Phish stickers all over it in the middle of the road in my town is ok with drug use... but for the most part I never hear anyone say drugs are cool, or should be legal, or is ok in any way. And, I live in a town where we know everyone. And, having a sticker on your vehicle that is drug related is still probably cause for pulling someone over in most of the South. puf
I hear this pro-cannabis talk quite often, when the subject is brought up.
Maybe you should move down South. We have a lot of different problems, but a grand social acceptance of pot is not one of them. But, hicks making meth in backwoods trailer parks, might outweigh people talking openly about pot use. puf


Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Don’t know how to respond to this, anything I’d say would be construed as political, a no no. My view is good people are now being viewed as bad people, you want to smoke a joint, have at it but as my Grandfather used to say You can make me eat Shit, just don’t tell me it’s Butter.


Jun 3, 2015
Personally, if I’m eating, I don’t want to digest smoke period.

Cosmic they’re related. These are the people who just snatched the cigarette (figuratively) from the mouth and now act like smoking some other substance (also natural) is totally fine. I’m all in favor of legalization of drugs/Cannabis, but this hypocritical BS displayed in its finest form.

For what it is, No one is making anyone go to the cannabis restaurant. Perhaps we shall see more cigar bars.


Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016

We could volley conflicting research back and forth all day.
The bottom line is that drawing burning organic material byproducts into your lungs isn’t the healthiest of activities.

As pipe smokers, the majority of us do not inhale.
The number of cannabis users who vaporize or consume edibles is growing.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Eventually a public track record will be made for marijuana use, just as it was for tobacco use, and the same process of "death by a thousand cuts" will render its usage as socially undesirable.

Making pot illegal simply didn't work. It did make a lot of criminals very, very wealthy. A few decades down the road, and firing up a joint will be as undesirable as lighting up a cigarette is today.

And it will have lost the appeal of being "forbidden fruit".


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I would concede that some smoking advocates do the same for marijuana. Also, many anti-smokers are anti-marijuana. Generalities simply do not make sense and are detrimental to the various discussions. When members equate tobacco with marijuana ... I fully understand why tobacco comes out on the short end of any discussion. We tobacco users can only sit on the sidelines, wringing our hands, complain about the unfairness of it all, and bemoan the tyranny of the majority. "Life's a bitch and then you die!"

Tobacco is socially not acceptable. Marijuana is somewhat, in some places, socially acceptable. Pro-marijuana voters are well funded and organized. Anti-tobacco groups are well funded and organized. Pro-tobacco? Unorganized, not even poorly organized. Funded? Not at all.

Lastly, there is perceived to be moneys to be made in the marijuana industry. We'll see what the future brings. Tobacco profits? Less and less each year in the Western World. As usual it always boils down to profits. But, continually obfuscating, muddying the waters, etc. by attempting to join the drug and the weed in discussions does not further the position of tobacco use.
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