Lightheaded and Not Sure Why

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 19, 2023
Middle Tennessee
Sugar will help, have a piece of chocolate or a soda, I’ve even known guys at cigar herfs that would dump a packet of sugar in their mouth after 2 or 3 cigars in a row. It works magic.
This is a very good suggestion. I smoked cigars for 30 years (still have one occasionally) and I would always tell newbies to have some small Hershey bars around and if the light-heads hit, eat one or two. It will rapidly help.

Also, on a separate, yet related note, eating a bit of "semi-sweet" chocolate will cleanse and neutralize your palate so if you want to switch what your smoking and want clean taste buds for the experience, it will help.

I'm crawling back under my rock now.....


Dec 5, 2021
Western Caccalack Hinterlands
Here’s what I learned as a new guy.
1. Holding smoke in your mouth (to make rings 😀) puts more Vit N into your bloodstream.
2. Puffing like a choo choo train makes me feel bad. You don’t smoke a pipe like a cigarette.

I bet once you get the “sip” down, and enjoy the taste without holding smoke in your mouth for an extended period of time I bet you’ll feel better! EMP has some nicotine blast to it. I like the cogers or a Boswells aromatic blend for starters.

Welcome and good luck! You’re in the right place.
Apr 2, 2024
Eastern CT
As far as still feeling lightheaded the next day: if you were still smelling the smoke, the smell alone can trigger the lightheaded/queasy feeling. The last time I overdid it on nicotine, I didn't want to smell, taste, or think about pipes or tobacco for a couple days.

If you have facial hair, it can really hold onto the smell. A couple weeks ago, I couldn't figure out why everything I smelled had Captain Black vanilla smell on it, even clothes that I hadn't worn while I was smoking. Finally it dawned on me, It was the beard.


Might Stick Around
Apr 9, 2024
South Texas
As far as still feeling lightheaded the next day: if you were still smelling the smoke, the smell alone can trigger the lightheaded/queasy feeling. The last time I overdid it on nicotine, I didn't want to smell, taste, or think about pipes or tobacco for a couple days.

If you have facial hair, it can really hold onto the smell. A couple weeks ago, I couldn't figure out why everything I smelled had Captain Black vanilla smell on it, even clothes that I hadn't worn while I was smoking. Finally it dawned on me, It was the beard.
Yeah, no facial hair (unfortunately the wife doesn’t approve). Thankfully, I never got queasy.
Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Sugar will help, have a piece of chocolate or a soda, I’ve even known guys at cigar herfs that would dump a packet of sugar in their mouth after 2 or 3 cigars in a row. It works magic.

I eat gummy bears to combat the nicotine. If I'm going to be smoking multiple cigars in a day; I eat gummy bears while smoking. It seems silly, but it works. If I'm at a herf I can smoke 4-5 cigars during the day and be fine. Usually, a small handful of gummy bears between cigars and all is good. It helps to eat real food as well.

I usually always have gummy bears, and sometimes gummy worms on hand and leave them in the shop for when I plan on having multiple pipes or cigars.

Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
I just started smoking with a pipe. My first bowl was last Thursday. I’ve smoked 3 bowls since. My first 3 were aromatics, and good experiences. I smoked Captain Black and I like that tobacco. I bought Peterson’s Early Morning Pipe and had a bowl last night (my 4th bowl). About midway through I started feeling lightheaded. It wasn’t too bad, so I finished the bowl, but felt very lightheaded afterwards. I woke up this morning still feeling a bit lightheaded. I’m in good health, just had a physical a couple months ago, I workout a couple days a week, and I’m not overweight. Was this due to nicotine? I bought EMP because 1) I keep hearing how good it was 2) I saw a video that stated that it’s on the lower end of the nicotine spectrum. Perhaps I accidentally inhaled? I did retrohale abo ut 4-5 times. What’s also weird is I kept smelling that same smoke aroma for most of today? I would appreciate any experienced thoughts on this.
Smoke slower and get more ventilation. puffy