Pipe Carving Questions

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May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
I do enjoy working with my hands. I spent quite a bit of time carving little odd and end things when I was younger. Almost never found me without a pocket knife and a piece of wood to whittle on. Spent about 5-10 years doing general carpentry before I went back to school, so I know how to handle wood working tools. This was my first attempt at carving like this, but I enjoy it. I got the main idea from a pipe by Northern Briars. I was going for something a little different at first, but then this is what my blank looked like:

That kinda chose the main design for me. I wanted flat sides, not round and found inspiration in thinking that it's close to Halloween, and what's a spooky place around Halloween? Old, haunted castles, so I started thinking about castle turrets and how they look, but maybe with a stained glass window. That's kind of where I drew all my inspiration from, the rest was all in the wrist while holding that blasted Dremel tool for an entire day.

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