Pure Prepared Salad Mustard

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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
French’s mustard was invented for the 1904 St Louis World’s Fair and even today the real stuff is made in Springfield Missouri.

When I was a kid French’s came in glass jars that read Pure Prepared Salad Mustard, and I wondered what impure unprepared mustard was and who would use any kind of mustard on salads, instead of hamburgers and hot dogs.:)

My folks said years ago people took mustard seeds and vinegar and tried making their own salad dressings with it.

I’m a huge lifelong fan of yellow American mustard, French’s preferred but all brands will do me just fine.

Occasionally somebody tries to pass off horseradish or hot mustard as real mustard, and if I was the King I’d establish a USDA board of mustard tasters to prevent such counterfeiting.:)

What brand of mustard is your favorite?
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Jul 28, 2013
Burlington WI
Slowly coming into the world of mustard myself. Yellow and grey pup'on I prefer to have on ham sandwiches. Other than that not a fan of mustard.


Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
When I was young, my mother always used Plochman's yellow mustard. I've followed suit as an adult. I particularly like their barrel-shaped container:





Trained chemist Moritz Plochman emigrates to the United States from the Kingdom of Württemberg, an area and former state in southwestern Germany. Two years later Moritz buys Premium Mustard Mills and pledges to make “first-class” mustards only.


Sep 17, 2023
While I do sometimes like yellow mustard on a hot dog that stuff does not count as real mustard! Yes, Im half kidding because who can say. We have some amazing mustards in France. Of course Dijon comes from that region but there are some amazing examples here. The American yellow stuff can only be found in the import section.

Last year due to the Ukrane war there was actually a shortage of mustard for about 6 months. There was literally none on the shelf and for a while after it was hit or miss becuase people hoarding it. My wife makes a killer mustard rabbit. And yes, you can go to the average grocery and buy rabit here.


Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
My favorite is Colman's, and I'm never without it. Absolutely the best in my opinion.
There is only 1 mustard and that is the Colman's Mustard powder in Beefeater's post.

But be warned folks, the ready made Colman's Mustard is but a pretender in the mustard stakes.....full of sugar, vinegar & goodness knows what else, whereas their mustard powder is 100% pure mustard.....and is proper hot stuff!



Oct 6, 2021
NE Wisconsin
In most arenas, I gravitate towards the more artisan instantiation of a thing.

But not in the mustard arena.

Try as I might to prefer the wider world of better mustards, I always come back to mainstream American yellow mustard.

My sub-par pallet just likes it better on a pretzel, hardboiled egg, or hotdog.
In most arenas, I gravitate towards the more artisan instantiation of a thing.

But not in the mustard arena.

My sub-par pallet just likes it better on a pretzel, hardboiled egg, or hotdog.
I never thought about putting mustard on an egg. I might have to try that. Usually, I use mustard as a glaze on meats, mostly pork, but sometimes chicken if I add a little honey to it.
I don't eat sandwiches or things like that, not that I am snobby, but we just don't eat breads very often.


Oct 13, 2015
I agree with @mawnansmiff and @beefeater33, Colman's is the best and comes from my home city! (Although sadly it's no longer made here: Colman's Mustard factory in Norwich closing after 160 years - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-52772491). We used to have this shop and museum in the Royal Arcade here:View attachment 302732
I didn’t know Unilever owned them & had closed the factory & museum down. Bastards! Unilever, like the Macbaren’s of the Mustard world.👎