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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
The user blogs are now working.
You can sign up for a FREE blog here:
Please try it out. You can make photo galleries, upload photos into posts and do all kinds of cool stuff.
As a Pipes magazine member, you are invited to be part of our community on the web for free! All we ask is that you be a pipe smoker. Beginners are certainly welcome, as well as experienced pipe smokers.
Here are snapshots of some of the resources and tools you will have at your fingertips once you are registered.
Public & Private Journaling

Have your own blog at Pipes Magazine! You control the privacy settings and can keep entries for your eyes only or publish your thoughts for the rest of the Pipes Magazine community to check out and comment on.
Use this to keep tabs on your favorite pipes and pipe tobacco, day-to-day events and random rants. This is your unique place to be heard!
Member Profiles

Tell us what you’re into. What type of pipes do you smoke, when do you smoke, how long have you been enjoying pipes … Post your favorite profile picture, and use this as a dashboard to connect to your other member-based pages on Facebook, MySpace, etc…
Private Messaging

Connect with other members to discuss stuff in more detail or ask questions while keeping your personal contact info safe and undisclosed.

Get involved in the discussions or start your own threaded topic. Ask, comment, share ideas. This is also your spot to interact in real time with our staff and tech support, if you need to.
Submit Story Ideas and Get Published

Our articles are written for and by pipe smokers - that includes YOU. We also feature columnists and guest writers who are recognized as experts in their fields and act as mentors to our members. Because your voice is vital to maintaining an entertaining and relevant website, we want to hear from you! Tell us about trends you see, ideas you have for a new story or column, etc.
Comment on Articles

Since not everyone’s excited about writing more formal pieces, you can also comment on the articles we publish. Tell us what you think, how the story may have hit home with you or feel free to challenge us to think about the topic in a new light.
We welcome both men and women pipe smokers!

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