Skipper's Blend--SP Whiskey with Latakia

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 7, 2019
On the recommendation of a member here I recently tried Smoker's Pride Whiskey. It was pretty good but after trying Pirate Kake I've been on a Latakia kick lately. I was smoking the SP Whiskey and thought about how it would be mixed with Pirate Kake.

Not wanting to use the expensive tinned tobacco I instead experimented by adding Cornell & Diehl Latakia, which is available in bulk. I started with a 1:1 mix--the Latakia overpowered the SP Whiskey. So I reduced the Latakia, and settled on four parts Smoker's Pride Whiskey to one part C & D Latakia. I may later try a 5:1 ratio but the 4:1 seems good.

Remembering my Pirate Kake inspiration, I first thought of naming this Drunken Pirate, but the blend is too mild for that to be a fitting name. I kept the nautical theme and settled on Skipper's Blend. This has burley and cavendish with a whiskey topping from the base tobacco and Latakia which I added. I did a quick search on Tobacco Reviews and couldn't find a familiar blend. I like this alright and will mix up a bigger batch. Hope you like it too.

skippers blend.png
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