Trying Out Gawith Blends and Sharing My Impressions

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Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
I’ll not refer to this thread as reviews, as my palate is far from developed. Having only a year of dabbling, I’m just beginning to be able to pick up things in a smoke other than “I like this” or “yeah, no”.
I’ve found what major tobacco types I like, and a few I don’t.
After finding I really like Samuel Gawith’s 1792 Dark Kendal Flake, and Gawith & Hoggarth’s Bobs Chocolate Flake a lot I started a thread a thread asking for direction along the lines of those and a few others.

Lo and behold, a generous member offered to send me a few samples of G&H blends to try. Monday I received a package from @FurCoat containing 10 samples of ~10g each. I was blown way by his generosity!
Funny thing is, the very morning of the day he offered, I had just given a bunch of blends I’d come across and didn’t like to a buddy at work, who was putting together a care package for a friend of his trapped in a communist state that cannot order tobacco. Karma is kinda cool.

Anyway, I started sharing my impressions in the current WAYS thread, and decided to put them here, and continue here with the seven blends I haven’t tried yet.


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
First up, Black Cherry Twist in an AND mini meer-my first time with a twist.
Cigar-ish retrohale and strong but sweet solid VA with burley earth and tongue tingle. A couple times midway and later in bowl some slight black cherry or currant zest (real or imagined). Nic to me kicked in above medium.
Good stuff, even though my prep ws probably lacking.


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
Blend #2 in my gracious sample package is Gawith and Hoggarth Bosun’s Cut Plug. The Kaywoodie Campus White Briar will probably be my dedicated Lakeland pipe-not a large bowl, but not tiny with thin enough walls to keep me from hotboxing the blend (I’m still new enough to need a reminder to slow down, don’t sweat the relights instead of puffing like mad to keep a bowl of unknown to me tobak from going out).
The Virginia and Dark Fired are quality, breaking through the scenting/casing which is sweetly floral in nature but balances the strength of the tobacco surprisingly nicely.
Only on a retrohale or a French inhale does the perfumey/rosey scent become a little more off putting than I’d prefer, but it’s a grand experience nonetheless.
Gets a little wet towards the end.


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
Gracious sample #3
Gawith & Hoggarth Glengarry Flake
Rubbed out and sampled in my Kaywoodie White Briar Campus Belgique.

Easy rubout, loads, lights and burns well. Light sweet floral/melon flavor on top of quality sweet grass/hay Virginia. Stayed tasty and didn’t bite even when I got distracted and was puffing a little hard/fast. I didn’t get much, if any “perfumey” Lakeland from this great flake.

Gurgled a touch, but this tiny stingered pipe will bring that out in many blends.

Of the three I’ve tried so far, I will definitely be getting more of this one. 3.5/4


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
I'm glad to see you're enjoying the samples and I'll definitely be keeping a watch on this thread. This is good stuff.
I didn't get much cherry from the twist either but that's the kind of blend you want around when you decide to wrestle a bear.
I was smoking it out on the patio while the wife was out working on housebreaking our new pup, and she was listening to me talking about your variety pack with about the same interest and patience she has when I’m telling her why a 280 Ackley Improved is a better choice for elk than a 30-06.
As I was getting to Gawith using the same equipment and methods as they have since the nineteenth century, she had the audacity to laugh heartily as I was struck with a good case of the niccups😆


Jun 29, 2023
Austin, TX
I smoked my first bowl of GH Black Cherry Twist last night. It is a 'fuller bodied' smoke with a fair bit of strength. Enjoyed the earthy and sweet flavors and did taste the topping, black cherry, current or otherwise. Was still fairly moist so I left some cut coins out to dry overnight and will try again later today. Possibly while reviewing my copy of 'Handbook for Shooters and Reloaders.'


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
GH&Co Happy (Brown) Bogie Twist:
Cut and rubbed out coins, loaded and set overnight (rain came in after prepping). Lit well after charring light, and burned well with a few relights.

Quality dark fired flavor, yet a little leathery and a bit on the acrid side for my taste. I didn’t pick up much if anything for flavoring or casing. Solid medium to strong nicotine level.

I’ll probably enjoy it more sitting and sipping it and a beverage, rather than walking/working the property first thing this morning.

Obvious quality, may not stock up deep, but will probably keep around. 3/4


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
GH&Co Dark Flake Aromatic:

Like 1792 with less tonquin. I think I packed a little too tightly, and wound up with quite a few relights, and a little ashy flavor in the bottom third. Until I have another bowl, I’m taking the blame for both.

All in all, 1792 with less tonquin is my impression. Strength, taste and nic-hit solidly medium to strong.



Sep 21, 2020
North Carolina
I was smoking it out on the patio while the wife was out working on housebreaking our new pup, and she was listening to me talking about your variety pack with about the same interest and patience she has when I’m telling her why a 280 Ackley Improved is a better choice for elk than a 30-06.
As I was getting to Gawith using the same equipment and methods as they have since the nineteenth century, she had the audacity to laugh heartily as I was struck with a good case of the niccups😆
Yup, I know that blank stare, yet I still torture my wife with pipe and tobacco trivia.


Sep 21, 2020
North Carolina
GH&Co Dark Flake Aromatic:

Like 1792 with less tonquin. I think I packed a little too tightly, and wound up with quite a few relights, and a little ashy flavor in the bottom third. Until I have another bowl, I’m taking the blame for both.

All in all, 1792 with less tonquin is my impression. Strength, taste and nic-hit solidly medium to strong.

View attachment 262542
That's interesting. I loaded up a pipe with 1792 to smoke tomo. I will follow up with Dark Flake Aro.


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
GH&Co Kendal Flake:
Flakes rubbed out easily, burns a tad wet, but stayed lit well. Lighter in body and color, and heavier in casing/topping than the Dark Flake Aromatic. The quality of tobacco shines through and works well with the many added flavors. Smelling the flake, I thought it would have way too much floral/perfumey taste, but upon actual smoking it’s there yet not overpowering at all. The multiple flavors fight for dominance making it very interesting.

Great medium body, med-strong favor, and solid medium on the strength. It’s multi-faceted flavoring reminds me of what a WarHorse Green Light would be if there were such a thing.
