***What Are You Smoking, March 2024?***

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Sep 17, 2023
After a nice lunch of ratatouille and garlic bread I felt like a little change. I have a partial tin of Ashton Artisans Blend. Im smoking it in a ser Jac. Its a tasty blend. A bit brighter and jucier than the HU lats I smoke. I may pick some up. I like it better than I remember.



Nov 20, 2022
North Carolina
Passing the half way mark of this bowl of Ken Byron Ventures Mr. Christian’s Brown Flek 2021 in a 1984 smooth brown full bend Peterson Mark Twain military mount egg with a silver cap and tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. I was going to smoke some Edgeworth Match, but Abner the Eager was too comfortable laying on my lap, so I couldn't get out of my chair to get it. As soon as I lit up this smoke, Abner got up and found a spot to snooze that wouldn't move. However, Sam the Scamp saw that, and immediately jumped on my lap for attention. Right now, he's by my side so I could post what I hope is my last smoke of the day. Btw, Daisy the Feral Princess is by my feet with her belly in the air.
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Sam the Scamp sez to Abner "Get your own lap, Mr. Monochromatic. Jim's lap is my lap."
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Sam the Scamp sez "This skinny fella has a warm leg to snooze by."
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Daisy the Feral Princess is by my feet, staring at Sam, and she sez "Get that runt outta here. The Imperial Feral Princess has spoken!"
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this doesn’t look like feral behavior to me, she actually trusts you! ❤️ that belly up thing is a huge sign of trust.
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