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  1. reddazes

    So...Not dead... just busy

    Yes, basically that. I was sitting down, in a rare moment of quiet today, enjoying my new pipe and realized it's been.... oh 3-4 months since I last showed up. It's been crazy around here and I haven't had much of a chance to sit down and actually write a post... hopefully this will change in...
  2. reddazes

    Post Your Picture With a Pipe.

    Fun thread... I'm not very photogenic but I'll try to get one at some point. lol
  3. reddazes

    Acquired a Peterson B10 Fishtail....

    Yes to both. Penguin only has a few English blends that I really like so far, I'm planning to make this pipe an English... so I was hoping for some good English tobacco recommendations to try in it. ...That is my eye... I've always been fond of the damn picture, it was a strangely lighted day...
  4. reddazes

    Acquired a Peterson B10 Fishtail....

    She smokes like a dream. Very smooth and cool. Though there is a gurgle about half way though that is a bit annoying, and since the pipe cleaner can't be put all the way though it doesn't really go away. But other than that, it is a wonderful pipe. I'm breaking it in with English
  5. reddazes

    Acquired a Peterson B10 Fishtail....

    So I returned the pretty green lighter with the crack in it. Unfortunately the store can't issue cash refunds, but since we shop there a lot they were willing to give us in-store credit (oh woe is me) So I spent my $150 on a nice, cheep little lighter and this lovely Peterson. ((it was either...
  6. reddazes

    New Lighter...Not sure If I should return it or not.

    I went and spent $150 on a pretty Savinelli pipe lighter. I didn't realize it when I got it, but when I got it home and got to really look at it I noticed that it has a crack on the back and on one side, there is also a small crack on the front but it is too fine to show up on the pictures...
  7. reddazes

    Joining NaNoWriMo this year

    I ended up doing 2 different stories. My genre of choice is Urban Fantasy so I just stuck with it. 1. Is set in a small town with a Female shape-shifter as the main character, but alternating view points between 3 characters. One of them does something stupid and manages to wake up Wraith that...
  8. reddazes

    Joining NaNoWriMo this year

    I have SUCCEEDED! 53,469 words and two stories completely roughed out from start to finish! I tried to kill myself doing it of course. My word count hovered at about 22,000 for six days...and then in the last two days I have spent every spare second ((and even some non spare ones)) writing like...
  9. reddazes

    What are you going to get this Black Friday?

    I will be working.... most of, if not the whole day. So it is safe to assume that when I do have a few moments off work I will be cowering at home, rocking back and forth in a little corner crying "make them go away, make them go away" ^_^ Ah retail.....
  10. reddazes

    The Joke Thread: Not Safe For Work (NSFW)

    It's a long one...I apologize. It was something I got in a chain e-mail a long time ago and it made me laugh till I cried... I hope you enjoy it too.. ------------ My wife Toni is fond of saying that my last words on this earth will be something akin to, "hey y'all, hold my beer and watch...
  11. reddazes

    The Joke Thread: Not Safe For Work (NSFW)

    Skipping my list of terribly politically incorrect and offensive jokes.... Joke one: A truck driver is sitting in a restaurant enjoying a pancake breakfast when a gang of bikers come in. After a while they begin to taunt the trucker for his 'unmanly' choice of breakfast fare. When they can't get...
  12. reddazes

    Pipes and the fairer sex.

    Right up until I start telling you how to dress! lol ^_~*
  13. reddazes

    Happy Hollows Eve.....

    Happy Hallows Eve! ^_^ Everyone be safe and remember to always accept candy from strangers! :P lol
  14. reddazes

    PAD strikes again...

    Really cute pipe! Lucky find. Just keep an eye on it or it may do what Penguin's pipes do and disappear.... ...and Pstlpkr, I plead the fifth! ^_~*
  15. reddazes

    Pipes and the fairer sex.

    Personally I like the Aros... but then again it's what Penguin started me out on, but I've tried a few of his English and Virginia's and I like them too. So maybe it is just a palate thing, woman tend to like sweeter, lighter things. I bet if you met a girl who really liked smoking pipes you...