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  1. J

    Pfeifen Huber Shipping?

    Do they ship to the US now? It says they use DHL to ship abroad. I know a lot of ppl around here would love to get some virginia golden flake, including me. Anyone try it out recently?
  2. J

    GH at WCC

    Good luck
  3. J

    How Do I / Can I Fix This?

    This is an olive wood reverse calabash i bought from etsy about 2 yrs ago. About a yr ago, i noticed that crack in the shank and havent smoked the pipe since. Can I just smoke it? Or should i attempt to repair it? Im thinking some kind of glue should fix this but im totally dumb to...
  4. J

    Help Identifying a Blend

    Dont know if this is going to be possible, but here goes anyway. I've had this since 2013/14. Bought it 2nd hand when i first got into pipes. Well it's been 7 yrs now and the label has started to fade and i dont for the life of me remember what this could be. Its a near blackened shag cut...
  5. J

    Awesome Customer Service From

    This was from almost 6 weeks ago but the SP post reminded me to give props to another great shop. I ordered a 250g FVF from TP, but in the shipment, received a 50g tin. Called customer service and they shipped a 250g the same day and told me to keep the tin. One of the many reasons why TP...
  6. J

    WCC Rouxgaroux this Year?

    Anyone know if this is coming out this year? I've been waiting for today for about a month now so i can place my order. Even got my cart filled with extras to get free shipping, since we can only get a lb at a time. Never even tried it before but jut sounds good and has good reviews on the...
  7. J

    Smoking Through Tongue Bite?

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9) Should you do it or should you rest your tongue? I've hit pipe smoking hard in the last 3 weeks after having took about a yearlong break. Also popped a whole bunch of tins i had stored, along with trying some stuff i havent touched in a while...
  8. J

    Long Time Lurker

    Hi all, I'm John and have been a long time Lurker on here. Have read a lot since I joined and gotten a lot of good information from the group. The following is long winded so I just want to start off with, glad to be here and hope to learn more as I go. If you're willing to read on about...