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  1. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

    So I’ve had my old boy for about 3 months now…. My take on it…Feels great in the hand…lights well, easy to fill, easy to maintain, the fuel doesn’t leak or evaporate. It’s just quality. Yes it’s not the best in the wind… but once you get a bit of tobacco down in the bowl it’s ok in the bowl for...
  2. W

    O Canada!

    All tobacco and Alcohol sales in Canada are to be taxed in the province of sale only…anytime you leave with said product outside that province you gotta pay the provincial tax again… It’s B.S but it’s the way it is… here in Manitoba our tobacco tax is one of the highest in the country but a hour...
  3. W

    Best City for a Pipe Smoker

    I lived in Germany in the early 2000s so things could have changed in 20+ years… however Tobacco was insanely cheap and it seemed everyone smoked…So this was before I smoked a pipe so I can’t tell you Pipe tobacco prices but a pack of Marlboros was 1 Mark or just about $1.00 and you could buy...
  4. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

    After a week and a half I got my Corina Old Boy via Post First Impressions are very good… It’s a bit smaller than I would of thought but that’s not a bad thing… Good weight to it… Nice flame…..but you definitely have to adjust from manufacturer which is like a flame thrower… Hopefully I don’t...
  5. W

    Smoking indoors?

    I’m super Jealous of guys who’s wives let them smoke inside the house…There is NO WAY my wife is letting me do that…she would loose her mind…not a issue for me really as I smoke in the Gazebo but the issue is that I live in Manitoba Canada where it can regularly get to -40F/C so in the Winter I...
  6. W


    I’m a Novice (About 3 years with a pipe ) maybe a novice will help..: just some basic info… I at first had issued as well but now…no issues at all… First… You gotta Tamp… you can’t have all that ash loose… you need to tamp as you go… Second I find just breathing though you’re noose exhaling...
  7. W

    Re-Hydrating Tobacco

    Found a old thread about rehydrating tobacco lots of info there…👍
  8. W

    Re-Hydrating Tobacco

    So I’m in a rural area that doesn’t sell pipe tobacco…and I get my tobacco once every 2 weeks when I go to the city (Winnipeg) … and when I opened up my tobacco it was dry and almost sawdust…O can’t really take it back as it’s a 2 hour (4 hour round trip) the tobacco is smokable but barely…...
  9. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

    Well bit the bullet and got one from Lighters Direct…Figured it’s my Birthday in a few weeks so maybe it will get here by then…
  10. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

    Do you have a recommendation?
  11. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

  12. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

    I got the zippo butane insert…crapped out after 3-4 weeks tried every internet hack to get it going again…junk
  13. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

    In year 5 of hockey I know it all too well… but as I live in the Canadian Prarries it’s the law that all kids must play hockey 😜
  14. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

    I wouldn’t say money is tight per se..but that darn payment…kid’s hockey…well life…. But everyone needs something to relax right…I work a stressful job in Corrections and I really like to relax with my pipe in the evening or on a day off in the morning…but frustrated with zippos...
  15. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

    Ok next question real or fake? Hard to find Corona dealers up in Canada and if you do it’s insane $$
  16. W

    Corona Old Boy? Worth it?

    So I’ve had a lot of lighters over the years… Zippo regular (sick of always having to refuel) zippo Bhutane thing died after 3-4 weeks… disposable bicks and Bhutanes and countless others…. Thinking about dropping some decent coin on a Corona Old Boy…is it worth it? Maybe go down to a Peterson...
  17. W

    Zippo Butane Pipe Lighter Insert

    I got one…enjoyed it greatly for like 3-4 weeks and it completely died…used all the hacks on the web to get it going again…bleeding it… taking off the restrictor and turning up the flame….nada take a pass in my opinion
  18. W

    Advice for a Decent Pipe

    Wow lots of helpful info...thanks alot I took it all in... and I came to a conclusion...$250 a bit too much for a second pipe...going from $25 to $250 is a big step... plus the $250 pipes I seen were all on US sites in $ I’m in Canada that’s like $350 with shipping... So I went with a...
  19. W

    Advice for a Decent Pipe

    Yes I know $250 a lot I’m kinda in the mindset will be on my kids mantel one day and my grandkids mantel one day...
  20. W

    Advice for a Decent Pipe

    Estate pipes... never thought of that... I’m a massive history nut... do you have a link to a site that deals in estate piles such as these?