An Article in Favor of Pipes and Cigars

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Oct 21, 2022
Pismo Beach, California

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"Cigarettes are a populist and modern form of tobacco — spiritually nutritionless"

I often think the grouping of pipes (and cigars) with cigarettes has been unfair and harmful to our hobby; especially with respect to legislation, taxation and social outrage. Although Brian Levine once pointed out that without cigarette smokers, tobacco farming might not be lucrative enough to continue at all.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
The author makes the same argument I've been making, "smoking is solely personal, selfish choice I've made to smoke." Then tries, fruitlessly< to make a case for smoking in public places, never addressing the the complaints of workers who, for economics reasons (wages) forced to work in clouds of noxious smoke. I don't smoke among others, as a rule. Such is simply good manners and a concern for others. Alone, in a blind or, kneeling behind a camera, the only person for miles, I'll freely smoke is appropriate. To smoke In another's vehicle, should the want arise, I'll solicit permission and be perfectly happy should it be denied.

"Unlike the cigarette, one cannot hurry a pipe or a cigar without lightheadedness (sic), tongue bite quickly revealing the folly of haste."

He passes over nicotine with one mention of one of the possible affects of the drug, feeling lightheaded. And, certainly one can hurry without "bite" if the blend is selected for the exertion and one pays some attention to the increased rate of intake.

To me, the entire article is simply self-serving twaddle. He likes to smoke, I like to smoke, you like to smoke so, society should simply suck it up allow the reek to be pervasive because some smokers are "better" than other smokers through their choice of nicotine delivery systems.

And, I certainly wouldn't want to try and enjoy fine dining out any where someone is smoking. In days of yore, I always selected "non-smoking", given the choice. The author's willingness to push his smoke on others in public is simply anti-social behavior. No, he'll need to do better, much better in his opinion writing. Forcing my wee vice on others, the smoke and smell, because I want to smoke ... is simply wrong. It's why people asked for permission, even at the beginning of tobacco use, centuries back, smoked only in clubs (usually special rooms), on their farms, and such. They went to the (In my opinion) trouble of donning "smoking jackets and hats to moderate the reek. But, now we, sadly, are in the age of "It's all about me and my wants."


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
The author makes the same argument I've been making, "smoking is solely personal, selfish choice I've made to smoke." Then tries, fruitlessly< to make a case for smoking in public places, never addressing the the complaints of workers who, for economics reasons (wages) forced to work in clouds of noxious smoke. I don't smoke among others, as a rule. Such is simply good manners and a concern for others. Alone, in a blind or, kneeling behind a camera, the only person for miles, I'll freely smoke is appropriate. To smoke In another's vehicle, should the want arise, I'll solicit permission and be perfectly happy should it be denied.

"Unlike the cigarette, one cannot hurry a pipe or a cigar without lightheadedness (sic), tongue bite quickly revealing the folly of haste."

He passes over nicotine with one mention of one of the possible affects of the drug, feeling lightheaded. And, certainly one can hurry without "bite" if the blend is selected for the exertion and one pays some attention to the increased rate of intake.

To me, the entire article is simply self-serving twaddle. He likes to smoke, I like to smoke, you like to smoke so, society should simply suck it up allow the reek to be pervasive because some smokers are "better" than other smokers through their choice of nicotine delivery systems.

And, I certainly wouldn't want to try and enjoy fine dining out any where someone is smoking. In days of yore, I always selected "non-smoking", given the choice. The author's willingness to push his smoke on others in public is simply anti-social behavior. No, he'll need to do better, much better in his opinion writing. Forcing my wee vice on others, the smoke and smell, because I want to smoke ... is simply wrong. It's why people asked for permission, even at the beginning of tobacco use, centuries back, smoked only in clubs (usually special rooms), on their farms, and such. They went to the (In my opinion) trouble of donning "smoking jackets and hats to moderate the reek. But, now we, sadly, are in the age of "It's all about me and my wants."
Very well said, from top to bottom, 100%!!!


Oct 10, 2013
The comments here highlight the dichotomy of smokers. On one end are the folks who smoke to ingest nicotine. At the other end are people who smoke because they enjoy everything else about it: flavor, aroma, community, quiet time, collecting.

The nic addicts comprise the vast majority of smokers. I’d count nearly all cigarette smokers in that lot, as well as the majority of pipe and cigar smokers. Remember, the “boutique” blends make up a very small fraction of overall pipe tobacco sales. Most pipe smokers smoke one blend only, and do so because it’s cheaper than cigarettes.

Most of us here fall somewhere in-between the two poles, enjoying the full range of pleasures that pipe smoking has to offer. That brings up an interesting question: How many of us can digress from our busy lives to simply enjoy alone time? To just sit and enjoy a beautiful day, without feeling the need to involve a hobby like pipe smoking, drinking or fishing? It’s a very un-American thing to do, frowned upon as a waste of time, a lazy diversion from work and family. We often feel the need to justify introspection and relaxation by piggybacking something “productive” to what should be a much needed escape from tail chasing. I’m not saying that pipe smoking, TAD and PAD are crutches. But maybe they are

I challenge everyone to make time just for you. Leave the hobbies behind and just go for a quiet walk, or sit and watch the planet spin. You deserve it. It may well be the most productive time of your entire day.


Oct 21, 2022
Pismo Beach, California
To me, the entire article is simply self-serving twaddle.

Lol. Perhaps, but...
Is it not refreshing to see commentary which, for a change, paints the hobby of (pipe) smoking in a favorable light? In a world replete with anti-tobacco outrage, it feels good to be the subject of literature excluding me and my chosen hobby from the seemingly endless attempts to fuel social outrage, public ire, and the ensuing pitchforks.

In our current cancel-culture, hive mentality world, a published article that has anything nice to say about tobacco use is about as rare as a buy-one-get-one sale on Penzance. Someone has demonstrated iconoclastic courage and spoken up about the nuances of our hobby which spares us from the stigma cast upon cigarette smoking. We have been called out as "different" in a good way.

And it's about time.
Nov 20, 2022
Good article, thanks for bringing it to our attention.

I too agree with not smoking in most public buildings. Exposure to second hand smoke should be a choice. What I do not agree with is total smoking bans. There should be allowances for smoking shops and clubs / lounges. Tobacco smoking licenses for businesses could be regulated the same as liquor licenses for a business. Limit smoking permits to avoid the slippery slope where it is present at every bar / restaurant.

I just see no reason why smoking is not allowed in a tobacco shop or 'smoking lounge'. Wouldn't it be great to see 'Pipe Clubs' pop up in your community?!


May 7, 2022
Somewhat related, I don't remember if it was an entire country or just a European city but when the smoking ban hit smokers and nonsmokers boycotted all the bars and restaurants until the ban was lifted as it should be establishment's right to choose what is and is not allowed. If anyone remembers where this is and could "pipe" in please share.


Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
In my small tourist town in the Colorado Mtns, we have about 2 million or more visitors a year. The very smart people in control decided no tobacco anywhere. Not to be sold or smoked to protect the children. The town has a dozen or more liquor stores, many bars, your can even buy beer and wine in the grocery stores. Pot shops are on every corner but they are worried about some 9th grader with a Castello filled with 965? Total bullshit.


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 11, 2020
Thank you for sharing this. It IS a nice change to have someone stand up and speak kind words about pipe and cigar smoking. I agree that it is not absent of risks and public responsibility but it is also not the demon that has been drawn to life by many, IMO.

“By overreaction, we have sidelined reason and incentivized furtive cigarettes and vaping devices — all while our cities reek of hopelessness and weed.” - I can see his point.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
I just wish it was in the Daily Kos instead of by a William F. Buckley Scholar in the National Review.

That audience isn’t the problem, you know?

We don’t need more members singing in the choir , we need new converts.

And he beats up on cigarettes.

There’s 99 cigarette smokers for every pipe smoker.

We sink or swim along with Marlboro Reds.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I challenge everyone to make time just for you. Leave the hobbies behind and just go for a quiet walk, or sit and watch the planet spin. You deserve it. It may well be the most productive time of your entire day.
Gus, my chocolate Lab, happily accepts!

My lab requires that of me, usually twice a day, ice permitting. It is a magical time, every time. Great for mental health. Everybody should insure some "alone" time, every day.