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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Oh man the tough one. While I believe that with the universe as large as it is the odds of another earth with intelligent life must happen. However I think the Drake equation is to friendly. I feel earth may be the only planet with life in the Milky way. Not 10,000. Earth collided with planet Theia that both knocked it on its axis, and created the moon, but also caused the 24 hour rotation. All 3 were critical for development for life.
On the creation side if you were a god and wanted a faith based system and wanted to create different earths wouldn’t you just place 1 per galaxy?
Then there's the case of Earth's two quasi-moons.


Oct 16, 2011
Other intelligent life within just the visible universe is extremely likely, never mind within the entirety of the universe. Nearly a certainty no matter how you like to slice your statistics.

Have they been here? Extraordinarily unlikely. Probably a good thing if we never meet. The odds that they’re “friendly” aren’t good. Survival of a species doesn’t hinge on “niceness”. Think Ghengis Khan with advanced technology.
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May 2, 2018
Bucks County, PA
Other intelligent life within just the visible universe is extremely likely, never mind within the entirety of the universe. Nearly a certainty no matter how you like to slice your statistics.

Have they been here? Extraordinarily unlikely. Probably a good thing if we never meet. The odds that they’re “friendly” aren’t good. Survival of a species doesn’t hinge on “niceness”. Think Ghengis Khan with advanced


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Care to elaborate?
There is evidence to suggest that the human mind can not correctly process information that is not within the context of previously processed information. For instance, when the human mind sees or hears sensory information that is so disconnected to previous experiences, it processes the information in a manner that is congruent with past information - and therefore sensory data for which we have no prior reference point is referenced in a manner that is presents itself as something we are more familiar. Once this data is clarified by either an outside source or additional contact, our minds are able to more clearly process the new data more accurately and free of misleading prior reference points.

This is a very real phenomena. It is why we possibly see reports of aliens and spacecraft presented in a way that is consistent with what we see in the movies or legends. It is possible that the craft and the aliens are nothing like the reports but until it is made very clear just what we are interacting with, the human mind will present this "alien" information in a way that is false to reality but congruent with our current understanding of the universe.


Can't Leave
Nov 23, 2021
The Prairie
With so many folks in this group from so many different walks of life, professions and parts of the globe
I would guess that the worldviews held by the membership here are at least as varied as the tobaccos we prefer and the pipes we like to smoke them in.
I am curious as to what others believe about the possibility, or presence of, intelligent extraterrestrial life?

Do you believe in UFO's? Do you think aliens have visited earth or are perhaps even living among us? Have you ever had a close encounter?
If by extraterrestrial you mean of an origin outside the earth, then yes; however, those entities may exist differently than the way we perceive life. And the idea of aliens, as they are currently presented, may be an elaborate ruse. History, including its accounts of pre-history, is replete with tales of entities presenting themselves to mankind, they are generally referred to as gods.

As for the technology shared, depending upon one's point of view, the earth would be better off if it were limited to growing Syrian Latakia in less volatile regions.
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Part of the Furniture Now
May 9, 2021
A good theory must account for all of the known facts, which is why establishment science falls way short of explaining the origins and characteristics of our moon...imo.

The most amazing mysteries are often hidden in plain sight.

Interesting…and looks like several interesting reads attached to the author. Been looking for a good book that perhaps smudges some lines.

Pehaps Christopher Knight is the inspiration of Robert Langdon? ?‍♂️ Remarkable parallels seem to exist between the person and character. It could also be said that the style of books Knight and Brown write share eerily similar styles being conspiracy based thrillers using facts blended with fiction. ?.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 2, 2020
Absolutely zero chance of any other life out there.
Total fantasy and fruitless speculation.
Some of those Astro scientists are barking mad,
some idiot suggests something and all the rest start to believe it's true.
I have to laugh at some of the crap they come out with.
This is wild. You’re a man of conviction!
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