Athletic Pipe Smokers

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Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2022
Metro Detroit
For those of you who are athletic, i'm looking for how you balance your pipe smoking and your physical activities. I'm getting back into mountain biking (i'm in Michigan and realize 'mountain' is in name only, LOL) after a several year hiatus and have become a bowl-a-day smoker over the last year when i really picked up the hobby.

For a little back history, i use to be a weekend cigar smoker in the early 2000's, but when i really started to take to mountain biking and local amateur racing around 2009, i gave up the stogies without regret. I was really into the sport up until about 2015/2016 when life just got in the way and it became more of a burden than something enjoyable.

Recently though, life has eased and i find i need what the sport use to give me, a way to exercise, to clear my mind, and to just plain have fun. But now have this other form of enjoyment in the pipe. I never set out thinking i'd smoke everyday, but here i am none-the-less and i'm feeling it a bit when i smoke and ride on the same day. Just a day or two away from the pipe prior to riding and i don't notice any affects. So i'm thinking about changing my habits and just being ok with smoking a few times a week, which is where i started when i picked it up. I use to know an old acquaintance who is a long distance trail runner and cigar smoker, but no long in contact to ask how he balances the two, so your advice is much appreciated, thanks.
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Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
I have never noticed any correlation between having a pipe vs. not when it comes to exercise. I was an athlete in school, then didn’t do much in my 20s, then have been on a pretty steady regime for the past 10 years with lots of new cardio the past 2-3.

I have not experienced any better or worse performance based on if I had a pipe prior. Sleep, diet and previous rest period do for me.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
For those of you who are athletic, i'm looking for how you balance your pipe smoking and your physical activities. I'm getting back into mountain biking (i'm in Michigan and realize 'mountain' is in name only, LOL) after a several year hiatus and have become a bowl-a-day smoker over the last year when i really picked up the hobby.

For a little back history, i use to be a weekend cigar smoker in the early 2000's, but when i really started to take to mountain biking and local amateur racing around 2009, i gave up the stogies without regret. I was really into the sport up until about 2015/2016 when life just got in the way and it became more of a burden than something enjoyable.

Recently though, life has eased and i find i need what the sport use to give me, a way to exercise, to clear my mind, and to just plain have fun. But now have this other form of enjoyment in the pipe. I never set out thinking i'd smoke everyday, but here i am none-the-less and i'm feeling it a bit when i smoke and ride on the same day. Just a day or two away from the pipe prior to riding and i don't notice any affects. So i'm thinking about changing my habits and just being ok with smoking a few times a week, which is where i started when i picked it up. I use to know an old acquaintance who is a long distance trail runner and cigar smoker, but no long in contact to ask how he balances the two, so your advice is much appreciated, thanks.
if the issue clears up with a day or two of not smoking. It's probably more of an immediate effect such as throat irritation, psychosomatic, or something about the stimulating effect of nicotine. I think the central primary issue isn't the pipe as much as the pipe somehow exasperating your minor lose of conditioning. How closely do you monitor your results? How far you go how quickly you get there that kind of thing. It might even be that when you smoke a pipe you can push yourself harder then when you don't.
I think the options are push through and see if it changes and there is a good chance it will. I find physical activities are easier after a pipe or any nicotine at all. Or you could adjust your smoking schedule. Though I really don't see how a bowl a day pattern would have any significant deleterious effect on your exercise.
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Feb 21, 2013
It sounds like you are "listening to your body" as they say, and have a balanced view of pipe smoking and serious exercise. The trade-off you suggest sounds about right. If you got into any really competitive activities with serious cardio demands, then maybe lay off the pipe smoking for a few years while you do that. Moderation is probably always good. Keep the pipes, so you don't have the expense of replacing them later, I'd say, and "age" a few choice blends at least, or maybe the whole cellar.
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May 20, 2022
Charlotte, NC
I'm very young. I basically have replaced the occasional cigar with the occasional pipe, like maybe once or twice a month with the guys. I'm active in many sports and weightlifting. Never noticed any maleffect but I'm not a great reference due to the infrequence of smoke.
Mar 25, 2023
It sounds like you are "listening to your body" as they say, and have a balanced view of pipe smoking and serious exercise. The trade-off you suggest sounds about right. If you got into any really competitive activities with serious cardio demands, then maybe lay off the pipe smoking for a few years while you do that. Moderation is probably always good. Keep the pipes, so you don't have the expense of replacing them later, I'd say, and "age" a few choice blends at least, or maybe the whole cellar.
Long-distance hiking or day trips with heavy pack and a pipe do for me...


Oct 10, 2013
In training for my first Olympics, I stopped smoking. But the lack of focus, relaxation and peace that comes along with process, ritual and tools left me feeling empty. I returned to pipe smoking when I resumed training and subsequently metaled in all three of my sports at the next Olympics, with a gold in badminton, 3 position rifle and figure skating. All while smoking a pipe.


Apr 1, 2014
Colorado Rockies, Cripple Creek region
Years back I started doing my own jogging program. It's basically 2 miles or so. I sprint for about 10 seconds then go to a walk...then when rested I sprint again - this time for about 20 seconds and then back to a walk. As you do it more you can increase your sprint time but always go back to the rest/walk period.

Currently I do the 2-3 miles with 30-40 seconds sprints then back to the walk. I play ice hockey so this pretty much mimics what I'm doing on the ice. I find it fun and interesting as regular "jogging" bores the hell out of me. Or those home treadmill thingys.

As for my pipe smoking I only puff 1-2 bowls a day..on rare occasion a third. And I did have the Covids in 2020 which messed with my lungs a bit. The sprint/walk method really helped me there and I think I'm actually better post -covid (better stamina and breathing capacity).
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Dec 3, 2021
Pennsylvania & New York
For those of you who are athletic, i'm looking for how you balance your pipe smoking and your physical activities. I'm getting back into mountain biking (i'm in Michigan and realize 'mountain' is in name only, LOL) after a several year hiatus and have become a bowl-a-day smoker over the last year when i really picked up the hobby.

For a little back history, i use to be a weekend cigar smoker in the early 2000's, but when i really started to take to mountain biking and local amateur racing around 2009, i gave up the stogies without regret. I was really into the sport up until about 2015/2016 when life just got in the way and it became more of a burden than something enjoyable.

Recently though, life has eased and i find i need what the sport use to give me, a way to exercise, to clear my mind, and to just plain have fun. But now have this other form of enjoyment in the pipe. I never set out thinking i'd smoke everyday, but here i am none-the-less and i'm feeling it a bit when i smoke and ride on the same day. Just a day or two away from the pipe prior to riding and i don't notice any affects. So i'm thinking about changing my habits and just being ok with smoking a few times a week, which is where i started when i picked it up. I use to know an old acquaintance who is a long distance trail runner and cigar smoker, but no long in contact to ask how he balances the two, so your advice is much appreciated, thanks.

I would think as you get back into shape and build up your stamina, the pipe might take a smaller toll on your body or lungs. Inhalation is minimal with pipes. You may find cutting back on smoking your pipe may not be necessary as your lung capacity increases.

I do some light exercise daily to get the blood going in the morning; the only sports for me these days is my weekly table tennis games—the bursts of energy are usually short and not prolonged because the points tend to be short (most often under ten or twenty shots in our doubles game exchanges).


Apr 9, 2021
I'll smoke 1 to 4 bowls a day and I haven't noticed it having any effect on my stamina. But there are some good points here. The three things that do have an effect on my stamina are sleep, diet, and hydration. Are you smoking in a well ventilated environment or sitting in a cloud of smoke, and are you inhaling?


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 29, 2023
If I smoke outside only and don't inhale, I can smoke several bowls a day and run as many miles without noticing a difference. If I smoke inside, or smoke a cigarette (inhaling), or inhale a few puffs of the pipe, I notice, so I don't generally do those things. This is the reason I quit daily cigarette smoking many years ago. If the pipe was doing the same thing to me, I'd probably quit or only smoke a few times a year.

Each person's body is different, I used to know a guy about 15 years ago who would sometimes run a couple miles WHILE smoking a cigar... that's not for me haha. Hell, I tried running with him while he was doing it and still couldn't take it lol. You do you, and I'd take advice from others only if it works for you too.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 29, 2023
Long-distance hiking or day trips with heavy pack and a pipe do for me...
You like to go mountain-piping? Downhill mountain-piping or cross country? Maybe freestyle? Haha, I don't like calling it "piping" because that's how you put frosting on a cake, or play a flute, but it this one sounds good.
  • Haha
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Can't Leave
Jan 12, 2018
Cincinnati, Ohio
For me, I've always enjoyed being active. Over the last several months I've gone from smoking 4-6 bowls a week to at least 1-2 bowls a day as my training really trailed off due to my family growing. I've since picked up my training regiment as things have stabilized within my house and I notice it. I'd say if your casually exercising it's no big deal, but for me to get after it and try and get faster it's been detrimental. Everyone is different in their training and habits. Certainly diet, sleep and mental well being also play a part as well. I'd say, ultimately, it comes down to your overall goals. If you want to stay in shape and be casual, no problems. If you are trying to 'push' it a little more, you may experience ill effects. Everyone is different though.

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