Best Tasting Sugar

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Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
But on the more exotic front, maple sugar is an ecstasy. I conserve it, but use it up anyway. In cookies, on cereal, on hot cereal ... ooo-la-la.
Maple Syrup is the only correct answer here.
I found a producer with 3 different bottlings
Such a difference between his early harvest (light, subtle) and his late harvest (much deeper, fuller)

So much nicer than the mass produced homogenised products on supermarket shelves
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Jun 20, 2019
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
Most people seem to think all sugar is equal but I bought a bag of panela sugar yesterday and this stuff is amazing. I believe it's similar to the jaggery that is used in Indian cooking. It has this rich nutty taste about it that makes standard cane sugar seem one dimensional in comparison.

Sounds like panela is the Mexican/Central American Spanish name for what is called jaggery in India. The other unrefined sugars that I'm aware of are maple sugar and palm sugar. Both of are very tasty. Palm sugars can be coconut but they are made from other palms too. My local Kroger/Albertson carry both maple and coconut sugars.

Because maple sugar comes from developed first world countries (US and Canada), it is bloody expensive. And because palm sugar comes from developing third-world countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Phillipines, and if you can find it, Malaysia, etc.), it can be dirt cheap. Also because palm sugar comes from developing third-world countries, it is often poorly labeled and don't say what kind of palm it comes from.
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Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I always use muscovado sugar in coffee, it makes a huge difference.

In tea however it's just plain granulated sugar.

Is there a difference in taste I wonder twixt cane white sugar and beet white sugar? Often wondered that.


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Jan 27, 2020
Because maple sugar comes from developed first world countries (US and Canada), it is bloody expensive.

I would also guess that maple sugar is less easy to scale up and increase production? Not that I am informed on the matter. I don't think it's fair to the other sugars in the world to compare them to maple sugar as it's in a class of its own.

I bought a large jar of Iraqi date molasses the other day. Not only tasty I think this stuff has more nutrients than other sugars.