Deep Hollow and Meer - nice!

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Oct 16, 2020
I splurged and purchased an "instant cellar" of 100g of well aged Deep Hollow in the mad rush of @pipestud last Saturday. I planned to give it a try this morning since I had the day off. I've mostly dedicated the Meer to straight Virginia and although this is an aromatic, it seems more a subtle complement and is so far just perfect for a winter-came-early gray morning with some freshly ground and poured over coffee. I'm really enjoying this about halfway in. I'll try some more over the weekend but my initial impression is rationing it will become a bit of a priority, lol, and it will just become an occasional treat so I don't plow through it, lol. As much as I really, really disliked my first go with Peterson's Old Dublin last week, I'm liking this, a lot.

I know many on here have suggested it as a good blend (which led to the desire to try it out). This may be a fool's errand, but has anyone found a blend that is reasonably similar? For me, this is quite distinct from Christmas Cheer and I like the difference. Even though it's darn cold and blustery today (we've now rocketed up to 21 degrees) and I was anxious to get my errands run and back home to start making some soup and baking some bread, I'm now looking out the back windows and taking it easy for awhile. IMG_1314.jpg