Do Aromatic Blends Keep/Age?

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Sep 22, 2016
I am stocking up on tobacco. It's mostly a combination of English blends and VaPers, but I occasionally enjoy an aromatic blend, like Autumn Evening. I would like to buy it by the pound, but I am concerned about how long it will keep and what the effect of aging an aromatic blend would be. Thanks All
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May 26, 2022
Florida - Space Coast
I am stocking up on tobacco. It's mostly a combination of English blends and VaPers, but I occasionally enjoy an aromatic blend, like Autumn Evening. I would like to buy it by the pound, but I am concerned about how long it will keep and what the effect of aging an aromatic blend would be. Thanks All
I believe they keep forever, many aros are goopy with PG which doesn’t really evaporate off, the side effect of cellaring them is they tend to lose a little of their “oomph” but not majorly. If you feel them in Mylar or jars is shouldn’t be an issue anyway.

Non-Mentholated Black Man

Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 4, 2024
Where Texas Began
Autumn Evening and/or any other C&D tobacco(s) is completely unknown to me but I have never experienced negative results from jarring other aromatic blends.
That said, I cannot claim to have noticed any appreciable improvement either.

One thing is certain:
The price of tobacco will continue to increase, as its accessibility and/or availability diminishes.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
It depends on the blend. Many aromatics are chemically inactive, so they'll stay the same forever. Others will undergo some change and the topping will weaken over time. A brief scan at TR gives me the impression that Autumn Evening ages gracefully, if nothing else. 👍

it depends. In a lot of ways they mellow slightly. What that means changes from blend to blend. Three Star by Iwan Ries is the most improved by age blend I've tried. It went from a genericish whatever blend to something totally stellar. But from my experience they generally don't change all that much. The most common change is the topping mellows and in my opinion usually improves the tobacco to topping ratio in the profile. But I agree not really what I'd call aging.

KS Pipes

Might Stick Around
Apr 29, 2024
I don't know about the specific brand you mentioned, but I emailed Country Squire and asked them, because I want to stock up on a few of their blends and they told me, they've had 20 year old cellared aromatics and they were perfectly fine.


Jan 7, 2020
I've found them to lose a bit of their flavor over time. It could be because I'm storing them in mason jars that aren't vacuum sealed though they do have airtight lids. I'm guessing having air inside results in some kind of reaction (aerobic vs. anaerobic).
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Smoking Pipe402

Starting to Get Obsessed
May 8, 2023
Fairbury, NE
I recently found a pound of 1Q in my cigar cooler from six or seven years ago. I smoked a couple bowls of it and I think it has improved manly because the flavoring has diminished some what and it doesn’t seem to make a mess of my pipes as much fresh 1Q does. With that said the only time I smoke aromatics is when I know I’m going to be around non smokers.
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Feb 26, 2015
I recently finished a jar of Rattray's Exotic Orange (now Exotic Passion) that I purchased and jarred in 2018. It was still a pleasant smoke and I will soon be opening another jar containing 100g of the same blend. I have other Kohlhase & Kopp aromatics going back to 2015 that have been jarred and they all seem to be in good condition.

I also recently opened a tin of D&R London Dock from 2019. It is still fresh.

I will say that flavor of some aromatics seem to meld together and mellow out. The Peterson's Summertime 2015 I smoked today is better than when I first bought it.
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slippery pete

May 16, 2024
comer ga
I am stocking up on tobacco. It's mostly a combination of English blends and VaPers, but I occasionally enjoy an aromatic blend, like Autumn Evening. I would like to buy it by the pound, but I am concerned about how long it will keep and what the effect of aging an aromatic blend would be. Thanks All
I 'm new to pipes is it price or availability I am surprised at what I'm reading had no idea pipe tobacco could store this long