End of lunting season

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Can't Leave
Feb 26, 2018
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
It is my usual habit to smoke my pipe (or a cigar) while walking to and from work each day.

One of the consequences of living in one of the coldest cities in the world, is that this is not always possible. (Our winter is the stuff of legend.)

Today our temp fell to 14 below (Celsius) and a nasty North wind showed up to augment the discomfort. At this point it is no longer pleasant to have my usual smoke....

I guess we're done lunting until about April....



Feb 21, 2013
Having grown up in Chicago, the windy city on the lake, I'm familiar with fourteen below. It was a workout just to get out and walk. Layers, gloves, and a muffler were de regeur. I wintered over in Milwaukee, about ninety miles north, my last eight months in the Navy, and they claimed they hit forty below at one point. I asked a police officer if that was wind chill, and he said, no, that's the temperature.

Here in N.C., we're not so equipped to deal with winter weather because we don't get as much. A snow may last about three or four days on the ground. The worst are glaze ice storms that coat the trees and streets. These can come up suddenly and not be well predicted, so that is serious business. On occasions, kids are left overnight at school, and a 25-minute commute can last six hours even if you're lucky. But it's not Buffalo or Alaska.

I'm at the top of a hill sloping to the street, so sometimes to stay off ice, I have to creep down the grass under the snow to get the newspaper. I've used a pruning pole with a saw on the end to snag the plastic wrapper of the paper, and then crept back up the hill with pole and paper in hand. That's my ascent of Everest on the installment plan.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
My dad has a bear skin coat. Like think old mountain man full length coat. That thing could make you break a serious sweet in that kind of weather. Seriously you wouldn't need a hat if the wind isn't severe, because of the amount of heat that radiates up wards. The two issues with it. Is it smells like a bear and that's a smell a wet dog would be allowed to make fun of without being a hypocrite. And the thing is heavy. You might get stuck in a snow drift till spring if you wear it. But get one of those and you won't care what the weather is like, and people will avoid you when you wear it.


Nov 26, 2018
My dad has a bear skin coat. Like think old mountain man full length coat. That thing could make you break a serious sweet in that kind of weather. Seriously you wouldn't need a hat if the wind isn't severe, because of the amount of heat that radiates up wards. The two issues with it. Is it smells like a bear and that's a smell a wet dog would be allowed to make fun of without being a hypocrite. And the thing is heavy. You might get stuck in a snow drift till spring if you wear it. But get one of those and you won't care what the weather is like, and people will avoid you when you wear it.
I can see PETA having a collective heart attack.


Sep 9, 2022
Hey @originalnutcracker! I'm in the West End. Still lunting. Unfortunately, I took the dogs to Garbage Hill today and my Puggle lasted about two seconds. The dogs are getting on in years and I don't know how many more winter outings I'll be able to drag them on. The Arctic Vortex is a little early this year isn't it? I usually wait until January to start heading out on the river with the dogs and I smoke outdoors all season long. Maybe this year we'll hit the river a little sooner. Less snowfall this year would be a blessing. Last year was nuts.
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Sep 9, 2022
WOW, that certainly is cold...miserably cold.

It’s like that here in Louisiana except its the heat! The heat is unbearable and ruins the experience of smoking. In the past, I would have to sit in my truck with the AC on just to get some vitamin N. LOL
It's a dry cold. Not so bad. We get a lot of sunshine all winter long in a normal year. Right now it's the windchill that sucks. Last night was about -32C (-25.6F) taking the windchill into account. It's eased off today. If you live in Louisiana I realize these numbers have no meaning for you. The air burns your face...is the best way to describe it.
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Can't Leave
Feb 26, 2018
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Hey @originalnutcracker! I'm in the West End. Still lunting. Unfortunately, I took the dogs to Garbage Hill today and my Puggle lasted about two seconds. The dogs are getting on in years and I don't know how many more winter outings I'll be able to drag them on. The Arctic Vortex is a little early this year isn't it? I usually wait until January to start heading out on the river with the dogs and I smoke outdoors all season long. Maybe this year we'll hit the river a little sooner. Less snowfall this year would be a blessing. Last year was nuts.
A few of us are meeting at Thomas Hinds on Wednesday night 8pm....
Drop by!


Sep 9, 2022
A few of us are meeting at Thomas Hinds on Wednesday night 8pm....
Drop by!
I can't make it at 8pm, but I really appreciate the invite. Working until 9 then most likely heading home to see my daughter to bed. Do you frequent Thomas Hinds? Maybe another time. Shoot me a PM if you think of it. Cheers!