"From Beyond" tobacco tasting

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That Guy

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 8, 2021
Central Florida
Ok I believe I've had enough smokes of this to try and give my 1/2 cent take on it.

Moisture content was pretty much spot on right out of the tin. Didn't really notice any difference between just packing right out of the tin or giving it 10 minutes of drying time when smoking it.

The tin note is pretty mild on a smell test. It smells aged/old. Almost manure like and not sweet at all. Musty almost.

It packs and lights easily. Very user/amateur friendly.

First third of the bowl taste like dark strong straight black coffee with a little bit of aftertaste of crushed red pepper flake. Bitter and spicy but in a good way. I also get a hint of creamy caramel.

Second third of the bowl gets more creamy and the inside of my mouth gets coated like if you were to suck on a werthers hard candy. Bitterness is toned down and now the coffee taste like it's had some alittle creamer added to it. Still get a little tingle of red pepper flake spiciness on my tongue in the aftertaste. Just the tiniest bit of toffee and caramel sweetness is detected.

The last third is pure creaminess. My tongue has been marinated in Latakia goodness. The smokiness of this blend is not in your face strong but there. All the components there but in a polite way. It's definitely behaving like a 10 or 20 year aged tobacco. Very rounded and no sharp corners. I would definitely say Jeremy's goal was achieved. The sweetness has started to show up and compliments the little aftertaste of spiciness. The dark strong coffee taste transformed into more of a dark chocolate. This definitely falls into the category of an after dinner blend for me. I think an ice cold ibc root beer would pair great with this. Never had to relight as it burned well and also it never got too hot to where I had to let the pipe rest.

This is definitely a complex but very enjoyable blend that you have to be patient with ( or at least I did) to really grasp everything that's going on. I don't claim to have a golden palate or be able to pick out exactly what tobacco is doing what and influencing the smoke in every aspect. The best I can do is relate it to everyday food/drink/ candy flavors most of us might be familiar with. If you're looking for something different I would definitely suggest this if you're lucky enough to get your hands on a tin lol. Good job Jeremy Reeves and all the guys and gals at C&D!

Thank you for your time

That Guy

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 8, 2021
Central Florida
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, my dude! I was only able to snag a single tin which arrived yesterday; I’m thinking about aging it for a bit before I crack it open.
I was able to grab 3. One is being smoked, one is being cellared, and the last was is being gifted. Hope you enjoy it when you finally decided to crack it open!

That Guy

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 8, 2021
Central Florida
It's a good blend but not worth the hubbub it's getting. Typical C&D making much ado about nothing.
Definitely. If I wouldn't of been able to get some I would of just said oh well. It sounded interesting and figured I'd give it a try. Definitely wouldn't be going out of my way and paying double what it originally cost for any blend really. if it's available I'll get it if I missed out there's plenty of other stuff out there I can enjoy LOL