I Now Know How Much I Smoke.

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Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Every few months a thread will pop up asking how much/often people smoke, I generally say 'a pound a year', or 'a bowl a day-ish'.
I realised I actually wanted to know for certain, so I can be sure i am growing my cellar at a pace of two years cellared for every year smoked.
So on the 5th of August I got a new 2oz bag of C&D Winchester, and labelled it with the date, and then smoked it exclusively until it ran out today, on the 4th of September. My seasonal smoking changes are minor, so it is safe to assume I smoke 24oz a year (not a pound like I thought). Better put in a few more orders.
Pipe smoking REALLY brings the nerd out of me.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
One tin/smoke here.



Feb 21, 2013
It sounds as if you smoke about the same pace I do, and I'm surprised it's 24 oz's a year. I had no estimate, and now I do. I have another way to think about it. My leaf purchases are small, a tin or baggie or three every few months, with the occasional 16 oz bag or tub (very occasional), and I still don't get to some of my primo tins for years, with samples from fellow members here and the odd pouch here or there I order. I assess I stay a little ahead of my future needs. If I cut back even a little, what I have on hand would last for years. I think I might coast for four or five years on a very modest stash. As I reduced the cellar, I think I might smoke less to conserve what I have. It's a tobacco festival for me when I have three bowls in a day. I marvel at jiminks. He's the pipe smoker who actually keeps up with the vastness and variety of blends. I'm still regretting not getting the "buy two get one free" on Peterson blends at P&C, but if I grabbed every discount, I'd have storage problems, and I'd never get to those McCelland and Dunhill branded blends.



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Burlington WI
Morton, thanks to you, I just weighed up an even oz of Mac Baren Burley Flake to see how long it takes me. Inquiring minds needs to know!



Aug 4, 2019
Pacific Northwest
Did the math and, if my consumption remains at it’s current rate, I am stocked till age 102.

I remember that back in the early days of the alt.smoker-pipes news group there was much discussion on what many feared would be a coming Tobacco Apocalypse. Many first began “cellaring” more as a precaution against running dry in a tobacco probation. Aging, availability and cost savings were secondary benefits and not discussed so much at the time. Many started “cellaring” as a pipe tobacco 401k’s so to speak.





Feb 13, 2013
Using the 10 bowls per ounce measurement, I’ve got about 24 years worth in my cellar at my current average smoking rate. I’m not counting my dozens of jarred open tins or stash of blending components, which together are at least another 10 lbs. I’m good till I’m 68+. It’s a nice feeling to know I’m almost fully cellared, as I’m convinced that more and more states are gonna come down on internet tobacco sales. It’s also a bit of a bummer, as when I get over the hump of having enough to get me to 75, it will be harder to justify buying at my current rate when I could direct my tobacco budget to other disposable income uses that the wife can partake in, mainly contributing to more travel. Waiting for blends to become available, jumping on sales, trying to prioritize which blends to buy, etc., is almost as satisfying as smoking it all. Of course, it does open up the possibility of trying new to me blends after I’ve covered my cellaring priorities. First world problems


Oct 16, 2011
Maybe 2-3 lb a year. At that rate with my current cellar I’ll be able to light my last bowl with the sun’s heat as it goes nova. It’ll probably be Mixture 79 as I can’t imagine finishing the pack of it I bought before then.
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